fifty-five / [b]

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s.n. / This is part two of my update. Please read part A before proceeding so that it all adds up.

fifty-five / [b]

* contains sexually explicit material

Valerie held onto the carton of eggs with both hands as she watched the cars surrounding them the entire drive home. Traffic was awful on the expressway and he had plans for the two of them so he decided to get off and take the longer route. She was used to Toronto so there was no doubt that she missed the town that brought her the man whom she loved dearly. Los Angeles was perfect, from the daily sunny weather to the numerous business opportunities for both of them. However, a part of her wondered if Abel and she should raise their children so far away from their families.

Abel turned the turn signal on before glancing at his fiancée, raising a brow. "You okay, mama?"

"Yeah, just thinking 'bout all this... I mean, what do you think about going home before the baby's due?"

"I'm with whatever that's gonna make you happy."

Valerie caressed his stubble while smiling to herself in satisfaction with his answer. She didn't know why she constantly doubted bringing certain things to his attention as if he would trip about them. Abel had proven her time and time again that he was worthy of her trust and that he was willing to prioritize them as a team rather than himself only. It brought her so much relief when she could be confident enough to speak up due to their communication improving.

Abel turned his head from the road to his lady as the light had turned red. He licked his lips before hovering over her and leaving the sexiest soft kiss on her lips. As he withdrew from her presence, he felt Valerie's fingertips grazing across his stubble like once before and he knew what that meant. Valerie got touchy with his face whenever she wanted some dick so he figured it'd be best to get them home as soon as possible. And it seemed like she wanted sex every day since discovering that she was pregnant. Abel didn't really mind though, in fact, their increased sex was probably the best side effect of her being pregnant.

"We should have just stayed home." Valerie frowned, growing impatient with the time it was taking for the two of them to get home.

"Relax, mama. We're almost home, I promise."

Valerie intertwined her fingers with the ones that were presented at her left thigh. Once Abel had her hand in his, he brought her fingers to his lips and kissed them repeatedly. She removed her free hand from the carton of eggs to turn on the radio and constantly switched through stations until she was content with a song choice. Latch by Sam Smith and Disclosure sounded through the speakers which made her reach forward again to turn the volume up.

Abel didn't know the song but he nodded his head along to the beat and watched his girl from the corner of his eye as she recited the lyrics. Before she could look up, Abel was already parking into the garage and rolling the windows up.

"Told you." He winked, grabbing the carton of eggs from her lap in exchange for the keys. "I got it, just go inside. I'm right behind you."

"Okay, daddy."

Those words went straight to his dick. Abel watched her walk away before grabbing the brown paper grocery bags from the backseat and following her into the house. He removed his Baron 9s from his feet along with his wifebeater prior to putting all of the groceries where they belonged, trailing shortly behind Valerie once he was finished.

Valerie was searching for the remote to the firestick when she felt a pair of hands latch onto her waist, pulling her into a warm embrace where soft kisses were planted against her jawline from behind. She moaned as Abel gently pushed her onto the bed face down with her legs hanging off of the side. He pulled her shorts and panties down in one swift motion before allowing his face to dive into her pussy. Valerie clung to the sheets with her right hand and used her left to reach back and grab a nice amount of Abel's hair, which was growing daily into it's own creation. She chanted his name at the feeling of her juices flowing from him licking her from south to north repetitively. He squeezed the small of her back with both hands as his lips tugged on her pussy lips persistently until she came.

Abel flipped her over and immediately began eating her out while making sure to keep eye contact with her. He held her clit in between his lips as he sucked on it for moments while using his index and middle fingers on his right hand to penetrate her deeply, forcing her juices to overflow. He watched Valerie squirm against him and a warm smile appeared upon his face once he had brought her to a final climax.

"Feeling better, mama?"

Valerie pulled on Abel's torso until he was on top of her rather than hovering over her presence, and she sucked on his tongue seductively before saying, "I want some Frosted Flakes."

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