eleven / [b]

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eleven / [b]

* contains sexually explicit material

My GOD, this man's sex game is on ten.

She collapsed onto his body and pecked his neck with the minimal energy she had left. "Babe?"

"Hmm?" He asked, looking down at her.

"I love you," Valerie admitted after kissing his shoulder, cheek, forehead, nose then lips.

He blushed and the gesture alone had her cheesing. She didn't think she'd ever see him blush in her seventeen years of knowing him. Usually, he just smiled since he could appear so immune to feeling, but she was glad to know he could make an exception for her.

"Baby, I'm blessed to have you by my side. I put you through so fucking much so many times. I don't know why God gave me another chance. Lord knows I don't deserve it. Je t'aime, baby."

It made her heart flutter when he spoke to her in her native language. "Aww, je t'aime plus," (I love you more!)

"Non, je t'aime plus, ma jolie fille. Tu es tout pour moi." (No, I love you more, my pretty girl. You are everything to me.)

"Abel, I can't believe you think you don't deserve me. If anything, it's the other way around."

He looked like he wanted to break out and laugh at her comment. "You must be out of your mind? I hurt you so many times and you still have given me nothing but mercy. You could've been out there with a nigga that treated you right and valued you as a woman. But you chose me. You choose me. You waited for me to settle down. If that's not a blessing, I can't put a name to it."

"Abel, I meant what I said. I really love you. I can't just use another guy to hide these feelings. That pain would last me forever. Using another guy... That would only make it go for a while."

"That's how I feel about drugs." He said, staring into her eyes. "I couldn't ever keep you and love you right because I was so hung up in my own unhappiness. My ma told me to always love myself before trying to love anyone else. I'm sorry,"

His lips parted slowly, a corner of his mouth twitching as he reflected on what to say. Valerie looked at him and waited for a response.

"I'm sorry. I still don't know how to love myself."

Her mind stored so many thoughts on how the conversation escalated so quickly. Abel had never let her see him so vulnerable, but she guessed a part of him was confiding in her more. "But I love you, Abel Tesfaye."

He stared at her with water forming in his eyes. It upset her to see that he was sad, but at least he was opening up for once. "I've been praying on that."

"Abel baby, I'll love you enough to make it through anything. Everything. We're gonna figure this out together."

He stared at her lips and replied. "Is that a bet?"

"Till it's over, I swear." She reassured him, kissing him passionately on the lips.

Abel grabbed her cheeks and kissed her back, adding his tongue. That's when she broke away.

"No, Abe! We have to chill on the sex, I'm gonna be sore later on!" Valerie stood up and put new panties on.

"Fine, but don't expect me to just listen every time you say 'no sex'. I wear the pants in this relationship."

What was hilarious was the fact that she had just pulled her jeans on and Abel was still laying on the bed with his arms folded behind his head. "Oh really? I don't even see you with boxers on, let alone pants?"

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