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The waitress returned with their food in thirty-five minutes. Valerie was starving and prepared to eat anyone's meal if hers wasn't done. The food looked extraordinary? Delicious? Remarkable? Phenomenal? Fascinating? So many words to describe how little the amount of food left would be on her plate.

Once everyone was finally situated with their meal, Abel picked at his French-cooked steak as if he wasn't hungry. Ever since that little event with her in the elevator, he had been ignoring her and pretending like she didn't matter.

Bullshit. Valerie thought.

He was probably mad because she was usually always right and whoever had his phone vibrating wouldn't want to know he was taking time out of his day for her!


"How's your food, babe?" Aubrey asked Zaria, wiping the food off of her lips with his thumb.

This could be Abel & I... But he playing!

"It's soooo good! I can't believe I was ever hesitant in trying French food, it's delicious! How's yours, love?"

"It's really good, but I want a 'lil taste of that croque-monsieur."

She watched them feed each other in disgust.

Why can't Abel at least play the role of the happy boyfriend?

"Abel, are you okay?" Valerie whispered in his ear, trying not to make a scene.

"Yeah, how's your bug food?"

She sarcastically laughed. "It's escargot, and it's great. Would you like some?"

"Nah, it just tastes like flavoured slime. I'm good."

Valerie kicked him under the table, unnoticeably to their other party. His negativity was pissing her off to the fullest.

"What?" He asked in defence.

"I thought you invited me on a date. You wanted me to come to New York, right?" She tried to mumble.

"Yeah, I did."

"What do you mean you-"

"I have to use the restroom, please excuse me," Abel stated dramatically, cutting her off and leaving the table.

She followed him to the restroom down the balcony stairs. As he went inside, he shut the door in her face like it was going to stop her from going to the men's bathroom.

This nigga doe.

Valerie pushed the door open and saw him putting a white substance into a pencil-shaped glass. As he put the top on it, she noticed it was a needle.

"Abel, what the hell are you doing?"

"Hitting up my main squeeze. You ought to know me by now."

"I thought we were trying to give up on drugs, huh? I swear I can't with you."

He looked at her, clearly hurt by her words so he smiled to showcase otherwise. "Oh, was that supposed to hurt me? I feel like I can't be around you unless I'm high."

"Are you just childish as hell or a little bipolar? You have more swings than the kids outside at recess. Make up your fucking mind already, do you want me or do you want the drugs? Because you can't have both. Man, every time I try to build something with you, you're the first one, the only one to break it down. I can't do this on and off shit with you anymore, Abel."

"Then don't fucking do it, Valerie." He snarled. "You're so selfish and you think you know everything but, newsflash, you don't. Just because I messed up in the past doesn't mean I'm gonna mess up again, Valerie. And that text in the elevator? It was from Cash. So, no. You're breaking things off, and you're really pissing me off tonight."

"Then why couldn't you just explain that to me, to begin with?"

"Because it's not my place to force you to trust me and it's not your place to be in control of my life." Abel put the needle back in his pocket and stared at her. "Do you want me to book you a flight back to Toronto?"

"No." She replied instantly, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist. "I'm sorry, babe. I get really jealous and assume stuff because of how things ended with us last time."

"I'm not keeping anything from you, Valerie. Keep holding my past against me and you'll end up without me, simple as that." Abel walked out of the bathroom and shut the door, leaving her dumbfounded.

Maybe he's right...

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