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the pic above is the sequel cover.


"Hey, girly. I haven't talked to you in a while, just thought I'd call to catch up."

Valerie bit her lip at the sound of Zaria's voice on the other end. She really didn't know what to say. It had been far too long since they've been on the best of terms and the worst thing about it was that it had absolutely nothing to do with argumentation. Zaria was coping with a loss while Valerie had been losing herself.

The cocaine had left Valerie in conditions far worse than her image and emotions. She had lost relationships that didn't just take a couple of days to form. Her reputation had fallen apart due to everyone becoming very well aware of her stimulant abuse. And not to bring up what Dr. Manning did since she'd prefer to sweep that under the rug for good. She wished that she could go back in time and reverse a lot of things.

But enough of the pity party, Valerie was back on ecstasy and thankfully, it wasn't due to the drugs. She had a stable relationship and things were changing for the better. Not only with herself, but with Abel as well. The simple thought of that brought a radiant smile to her face.

"Look, I know what you went through and I know you probably hate me because I did nothing about it, but you're still my best friend. And as selfish as it may sound, I couldn't bear to see you like that. It hasn't been that long since Xenia... you get my point, don't you? I love you, Valerie and I miss you so much. I just thought I'd call and say that."

It took Valerie nothing but strength to develop her next words. "I love you too, Z."

"I'm really really sorry, girl. You have–"

"It's fine, just don't mention it. Not ready yet." She murmured her last few words before speaking up more confidently. "So what has been going on with you, babe?"

"Well, that's actually another reason why I called. I don't know anyone I trust more than you and I really need your advice right now."

"Alright, just speak the word."

"Okay, just know that this stays between us. You can't tell anyone. Not even Abel."

Valerie clutched the phone tighter to her ear and shut the bathroom door. She didn't respond until she was standing in the shower with the door closed. "What happened?"

"I don't know how to tell Aubrey this, but I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant."

"You're kidding, right?"

"I mean, of course! Why would I joke about this? Girl, I'm scared as hell. What if he don't want it? What am I gonna do?"

"Well, I would start by not calling your baby an 'it'. But this is exciting! You should be excited! There is nothing you should be worried about, love."

Zaria snorted. "Except for when he says he doesn't want to have any part in this."

"Oh, come on! If anyone knows the way that man looks at you, it's me. For a long time, I wanted a relationship like yours. I'm pretty sure he will be okay with this."

"'Kay, then how should I tell him?"

"At home, over dinner. And be sure to wear something nice and put on a little makeup. You'll be fine, babe."

"And if he kicks me out, y'all got a spare room?"

Valerie laughed at her best friend's nervousness. "Plenty."


"Babe, you and I both know the only place you'll be staying at is wherever your man's staying. I don't know why you're stressing this so much."

"You damn right about that! I'll beat his ass if he ever tried to kick me out. He don't want it with me. I-am-not-the-one. Billie Jean, sis."

"You are crazy... and I'm supposed to be leaving right now. Call you back later?"

Her sigh filled the phone, making Valerie feel a bit guilty. "Please, I really need you, girl."

"Got you, first thing when I get home."

"Alrighty, love you, sis."

"Love you more, babe! Bye."

She quickly clicked on the red button and sat her phone down on the counter. Valerie wasn't lying about having somewhere to be. For that reason, she briefly fixed her hair before opening the bathroom door and walking into her bedroom.

Abel was standing in front of the mirror attached to one of their walls, but he wasn't checking himself out. He was just staring at himself like he's seen a ghost. Perhaps as if he had discovered an alternate world. Valerie stepped in front of him, placing her porcelain-like fingers on his clothed chest and smiled at the man before her.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, just a bit nervous. I don't know why I'm tripping over this."

She wrapped her arms around his torso, breathing in the scent of his bergamot cologne as she muttered, "You're gonna be alright, 'kay?"

If there was anything Abel needed in life besides love and certainty, it had to be faith. He needed to believe that the choices he chose to make from now on were for the better. His promise to turn over a new leaf was what he truly needed and he knew that it was what Valerie needed as well. And for that exact reason, he decided to swallow his pride and fix his tie. He answered the woman he loved with a reluctant nod, following her down the stairs that lead to their living room where Empress happened to be waiting.

She followed the couple out to the car and sat in the back, watching Valerie take the wheel. Abel was sure to buckle up in the passenger seat before reaching for the aux cord. No one really paid any mind to the fact that he played 'Sex' by  The 1975, which probably wasn't the best song to vibe to on one's way to church. But he was making progress in his life anyway so who really gave a fuck?

They arrived in exactly ten minutes as their GPS stated they would. The two girls were ready to go inside since they already were late, but Abel insisted that his tie was crooked. And even though Valerie swore he looked fine, he proceeded to fix it in the blind-spot mirror anyway. At last, Abel stepped out of the car and intertwined his fingers with Valerie's. The three of them entered the church as silently as they could. Service had started fifteen minutes ago and he really didn't want to draw attention so he sat in the very back.

Abel felt as if Pastor Brown was especially speaking to him as he delivered a sermon on commitment. He listened intently as the pastor emphasized the importance of commitment towards the ones you love, commitment in fulfilling your promises, and commitment in your faith and believing. It never really occurred to Abel that he failed to commit to all three of these things simply weeks ago. He frowned at that thought, wishing he could undo the things he's done and right all of his wrongs.

Pastor Brown finished up his Sunday advice and called for all newcomers and lost believers to join him at the altar. Abel got a good picture of what that meant when everyone turned toward the back, making him feel exposed and overwhelmed with the anxiety he was currently dealing with. He felt Valerie's hand reach for his and he genuinely looked at her for the very first time. It was hard for him to understand what he was seeing but it felt as if it was something new.

Now, Abel, standing on his two feet like the man his mother created realized that he doesn't resemble that man at the moment. His eyes appeared to look frightened and even his posture was scared witless. Still, his frightened eyes were searching for his mother and he didn't have to do a whole lot of searching because she was already standing, prepared for her broken baby to come to her.

Abel had never felt so emotional to walk towards his mother. He looked like a child, crying to finally receive that one thing he's always wanted. The young man wrapped his arms around his mother, damn near sobbing in the crook of her neck at all the things he never had to miss out on. Pointless little things in the past making him a slave to substances and keeping him from being a good man to his girl. But that was all in the past, right? He was committed to better things now.

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