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Spring was around the corner of the greater city of Toronto and Abel was looking forward to the weather. Nothing excited him more than popping the question to Valerie and pouring up drinks of Jose Cuervo to celebrate with their friends and family. He had plans extended beyond even that and he really wanted to keep it under wraps until things were thoroughly put into action.

His boys were all aware of the plan and they felt nothing short of happiness for him. They always knew deep down that he truly loved Valerie, but they were surprised to learn that he wanted to make things official. Buying an expensive rock and putting it on her finger in front of everyone she knew took a lot for a man to do. So it was important for him to take his time and make everything right, and to do everything with no mistakes.

Abel was nowhere near close to being prepared for writing out his vows, especially since he couldn't really think of a way to put his love for Valerie into words. Every time he discussed his frustration with writer's block, Cash would just tell him to be patient and to not rush anything. That the words would form themselves if he'd let them. He tried and tried and tried again to consider his words since Cash was usually always right, but he was a little too stubborn.

He'd gone through an entire seventy-paged college-ruled notebook when he realized the words were just not ready to be put together. You'd think a songwriter could write this in their sleep, he thought. This was totally different for sure. It wasn't that he didn't know what to say or that he didn't know the requirements of writing decent vows. It was the fact that these words that may be simple to the world will mean something to Valerie forever and that she'll hear them in front of everyone. They had to be downright perfect. So Abel decided to put the yellow notebook away in the drawer and join his boys in the studio next door where they were waiting for him.

Illangelo was focused, cooking up some new beats to which Lamar and Drake were nodding their heads to. Ever since Drake had told Zaria about the baby he was having outside of their relationship, things had gotten really bad for him. He began to spend more time with the crew and work on music a bit more consistently to cope with it, and Abel was proud of him.

When he walked into the room, heads turned and it made him a little uncomfortable because they all knew what he was up to. Abel looked away and instead focused on his phone where a recent notification appeared on his lock-screen from Instagram. He took a seat on the leather futon and pressed down on the alert on his phone, taking him to his girlfriend's social media page where she had just uploaded a new photo.

@valeriexo: suga pie, honey bun 🍯💕

He smiled at the image of his bronzed goddess posing for the selfie, her ombre bob making its way onto the scene for the new weather. His fingers scrolled down to double tap on the picture before he left a few spicy comments.

@abelxo: 👅

@abelxo: i dont wanna go to no restaurant that dont have you on the menu

@abelxo: snack attack

@abelxo: mines btw

"My mans," Cash sounded, bringing Abel out of his daze as he looked up at his manager

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"My mans," Cash sounded, bringing Abel out of his daze as he looked up at his manager.

"What's good?"

"You tell me, brethren. Are you okay with doing Coachella this year?"

He paused for a second to determine if the idea was great or not. With hesitance, he replied. "Yeah, I think that'll be a good look for me."

"I agree. Now, we have to get your image together a little bit. The American teens are definitely gonna love you."

"Goddamn, Cash. I am not a teen choice..."


"Bitch, your hair looks so good!" Empress shouted as she wrapped her arms around Valerie in a friendly embrace. Even though it had only been a week since the two had seen each other due to the younger girl leaving the country, they were very excited to be in the presence of one another.

"Thanks, babe. It sure was time-consuming enough... But what's up with you? Did you get the girls to comply?"

"Of course! I think most of them got on board because they know about you and Abel, but I'm super excited for you. This is the career field I can see you pursuing long term."

Valerie smiled from ear to ear. She and Abel had been working on separate projects to expand the XO name, and she was eager to know the outcome from Empress. "I really appreciate you, love. You have no idea how happy I am right now. This is what the fuck I'm talking about!"

"I know! Shall we celebrate with 'ritas?"

With one brow lifted, she smirked. "I'm pretty sure you're in no way grown yet, Rugrat, but since I'm not your brother, I'll allow you to one 'rita." Valerie walked into the kitchen to retrieve two large cans of Bud Light Strawberita before joining her company on the patio. "So how was New York, babe?"

Empress pulled the tab on the can and took a sip. "My mother is on her deathbed and things aren't exactly right. I feel so... lost."

"I'm so terribly sorry to hear that, babe. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Honestly, no. But maybe later, when words don't feel as empty as they do right now... You don't need to feel sad for me. I'll be just fine... Your support never goes unnoticed, Valerie."

She smiled and gave the younger girl a warm hug before kissing her cheek. "I love you so much, Rugrat. If you wanna take some time off, I'm fine by that. We can set up another date, truly. And I really appreciate you getting me my models, but family always comes first. Always."

"You're the sweetest. Thank you for understanding, my love. But I think I'll be okay."

"Okay. Okay, that's fine. But I'm not gonna let you hurt all by yourself. Because I know... Losing my mother might be the most painful thing I can think of experiencing. And I'd rather die myself than to go through it alone."

Empress smiled, not being able to hold the tears back from falling. "Thank you for everything. I love you."

"I love you too. Forever."

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