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"You ready, mama?" Abel's eyes were locked on Valerie's as he awaited her response to his question. He reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers.

Valerie simply nodded before trailing behind her man who was entering the clinic where they'd visit their private obstetrician, Dr. Fernanda Jiminez, who was a celebrity doctor in Calabasas that specialized in pregnancies and early childbirth. Dr. Jimenez had been assisting the couple with all of their appointments and plans regarding the baby and their future as parents since the discovery of their child. Valerie was about four and a half months into the pregnancy and she was hoping she'd find out the baby's gender at their scheduled consultation. She smiled as Abel held the door open for her and watched her walk in before following shortly after her.

"How 'bout you wait here while I go figure out when it's our time to go back."

"Alright," Valerie agreed while settling into a chair in the waiting room, placing her Louis Vuitton satchel onto the side table located next to her. "Can you bring me some Twizzlers?"

Abel chuckled and shook his head at the little things that left his lady satisfied. "Yes, baby. Is that it?"

"Mhm... thank you."

He walked over to the front desk and immediately reached for the pen and clipboard at his presence where he would fill out their names, concerns and time of arrival. The lady at the desk requested that he'd present his ID so he grabbed his wallet out of his back pocket to retrieve it. Once he handed it over to her, Abel watched impatiently as the woman took her time to fill out more paperwork. A look of relief began to form onto his face until he realized there was a backside to the paper, which forced him to leave the desk momentarily to go to the vending machine left of the desk.

Tapping the fingers of his left hand on the glass, he used his right hand to pull his wallet out from his back pocket once again and he brushed over each card until he found the one registered to his bank. Abel inserted the card into the machine and pressed C4 to make the candy fall from its placement before deciding to do it again. He knew his woman way too well and there was no way that she'd be content with just one pack of Twizzlers, and he also wanted some berry Skittles so he pressed A1 for himself. His eyes were glued to the pack of candy that he'd just claim ownership of, however, he grew annoyed after he had placed his wallet back where it belonged only to see his Skittles get stuck. He frowned as he impulsively decided to shake the vending machine violently as if they'd find a way to fall, but to no avail. Abel heard a soft giggle in the distance which made him turn and notice Valerie clutching her stomach in laughter, shaking her head at the sight of her lover struggling. He looked away and bit down on his lip to keep from laughing himself.

"Abel and Valerie Tesfaye?"

Valerie stood up at the sounding of their names and walked towards Abel, intertwining her fingers with his as the two of them followed their doctor to the private room. Dr. Jiminez stepped aside to allow them to enter the room first while she adjusted her stethoscope.

"Hey, Dr. Jiminez. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I was going to ask you the same, Ms. Lady. You're looking beautiful per usual." She beamed, taking in Valerie's belly growth and Abel's hair growth. "And look at you! Wow, your hair is getting so long!"

"Yeah, I've just been letting it grow into whatever."

Dr. Jiminez chuckled and shook her head playfully. "Well, you've been doing a great job at that. It's quite... abstract. But before I forget, has everything been going well? Please tell me you haven't been experiencing anything unusual to the side effects I told you may occur."

"Yes, ma'am. Everything has been perfect." Valerie admitted, cracking her head to get a good look at the man standing behind her.

Abel grinned before leaving a soft kiss on her forehead. She was right as things had been perfect. Valerie was full-blown pregnant and she was no longer watching what she ate and had no regard to care as long as it wasn't affecting their baby. Her moodiness also decreased a bit due to her newfound interest in DIY. Valerie was keeping herself busy with room decor for the baby and it gave Abel the freedom he was longing for.

"Wonderful. Please lie down on the bed whenever you're ready."

Valerie followed instructions and watched as her doctor filled out some paperwork. Her eyes moved to Abel's and he had already been watching her while biting on his nails. "Babe, don't be nervous."

"I just hope it's a boy."

"I'm telling you, babe. This pregnancy just feels different from when I was pregnant with Ashton."

Abel's aura shifted at the mentioning of their unborn child. He took a moment to choose his next words carefully. "I'm content either way, to be honest. I just wanna make sure we have a healthy child."

"And we will."

"Are you ready for the ultrasound, Ms. Lady?"

"Yes ma'am. I was born ready."

Dr. Jiminez smiled broadly at the couple before reaching in her cabinet for a fresh set of gloves. Once they were on, she took a weird substance into her hands. "Pull your shirt up just enough to expose your stomach, hun."

"What's that?" Abel wondered.

"Jelly for the belly! This is ultrasound gel which will help to form a bond through the transducer and your belly. The gel makes it to provide a clear image of what's going on while stopping the air from travelling. Without it, the image wouldn't be so clear."

"Wow, that's crazy."

Valerie held her shirt just below her bra-line and gasped at the feeling of the cool gel as it brushed against her stomach. She watched her doctor adjust the transducer before looking up impatiently to predict the results. 'Is it a boy or a girl?"

"You tell me. Can't you tell?"

Abel even looked up in confusion, studying hard as if he was handed a trigonometry exam. "It's a boy."

Dr. Jiminez chuckled at the confident smirk on his face. "Sweetheart, you don't see that labia and clitoris?"

"I knew it! I told you we were having a girl!" Valerie shouted, happy tears falling from her eyes. After all that they'd been through, Valerie could only thank God for blessing them once again with a daughter.

"Awww, baby." Abel blinked repetitively in an attempt to get his tears to stop forming.

"Congratulations to both of you. You're having a little girl."

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