thirty-five / [a]

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thirty-five / [a]

Abel took an axe was probably gonna be the title of his debut album, he thought. It tore him apart inside knowing that he could've stopped everything from happening by listening to that dream. And he didn't mean the one with God. He meant the one with Temptation. The one where the devil told him to let her know how he needed her there. Instead, Abel decided to just tuck it all in and bury it for her sake.

For what, though? Valerie escaped Toronto to receive guidance regarding the drugs she took and the pain that she couldn't seem to let go of. Not to move to Montréal, adding more pain to her already fragile heart. God forbid she doesn't try to do something to herself in that gas station.

He tapped his fingers on the back of his iPhone, feeling extremely nervous about what was about to go down. It was God that persuaded him to turn his life around for good, but right about now, Abel was siding with the devil. Maybe he would become the devil tonight.

This side of him wasn't something that he'd normally parade, but a nigga just had to make exceptions at times. At times where you've had just enough of seeing the person you love unable to be happy. At times when another nigga touches your girl in the way that only you should be touching her. At times where another nigga takes advantage of the woman you love, feeding her lies during therapy sessions. No wonder she wanted to leave that place.

"You sure 'bout this, bro?" Hyghly asked, revealing that he had doubts about Valerie telling the truth.

"She would never lie to me, man."

"Don't be so certain." He shot back, making Abel want to throw him out of the SUV at that very moment. If it wasn't for Cash giving him the death glare, he probably would've done so too.

At the same time, everything Hawk told him was right. He didn't need any more people being executed from the crew. At least not for reasons such as Valerie. They were gonna have a disliking for her as long as she was in his life. He wasn't too pleased about it, but he also wasn't too upset about it either. Bros before hoes was how it used to go. His boys hated that Valerie became such a priority in his life.

Cash pulled up into a parking space in the secluded area of New Toronto. Of course, he was the first person to evacuate the car, making his way over to the private jet without bothering to greet the pilot. He had important matters to take care of and the pilot could sense that.

Once everyone boarded the plane, Abel rested his elbows in his lap as his fingers collided together. Who to pray to? God or Temptation?


"You sure you don't want us to come?" Hyghly asked Cash.

"Nah, son. You and Hawk should find a nearby hotel. We may be here for a minute."

Growing beyond impatient, Abel nudged Cash's snapback in irritation. "Man, come on. I don't have time."

On occasional times like this, Cash would've started cracking on him. But instead, he shrugged it off and got in the car. He was really glad that he understood how important Valerie was to him. After plugging the location into his phone, Cash began driving.

It was 3:37 A.M. and Valerie had called him around 2:15. Nervous was the last word to use to describe his feelings. Anger and concern were more reasonable words.

Nearly ten minutes later, they reached the gas station. Abel jumped out of the vehicle and ran into the gas station. His eyes began searching around the inside, but he couldn't find her. She wasn't in any of the aisles nor in sight whatsoever. As soon as his eyes caught on to the woman at the cash register, he walked over to her.

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