two / [b]

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two / [b]

* contains sexually explicit material

Abel pulled up at his loft about twenty minutes after they left the club. Neither one of them said a thing as they sat in the car in complete silence. Just as Valerie was getting ready to break the silence, Abel opened the driver's door and exited the car. She patiently waited for him to open her door, immediately realizing that being a gentleman wasn't in his best interests anymore. If he thinks sex is an option tonight, he has something coming for him.

Valerie opened her door and got out, making her way to the door. Abel locked the car after seeing her shut it. She followed him into the house and stood at the door and watched as he shut and locked it.

"You can take your shoes off and make yourself at home." He shot her a glance before walking into the kitchen and opening the cabinet.

She took her Raptors beanie off along with her heels and walked into the kitchen to find out what Abel was up to. He had set a bottle of champagne on the counter before picking out two of his favourite glasses. She smiled as Abel walked into the living room and dimmed the lights. He hooked his phone up to his stereo and began playing some old 90s classics.

Abel had great taste in everything. Music, sports, movies, food, fashion... You name it, he had it on lock.

Valerie snapped out of her trance once she noticed him standing directly in front of her. "You okay, mama?"

"Yeah, I'm alright. I was just daydreaming."

He laughed while taking her coat off. "I can tell. What are you thinking about?" Abel placed her coat on a rack next to the stereo. She hesitated to answer so he decided to ask another question. "Do you drink?" He was testing her and she was aware of it.

"Socially," She admitted before speaking up. "Sometimes more than I actually should."

He nodded. "Good thing you got me monitoring that tonight, right?"

Valerie couldn't help but smile once she saw his own smile light up the whole room. "Yeah, a great thing."

Abel placed several candles in a rectangle glass in the middle of the table. She watched him light them and smiled, knowing that he was planning all of it by the second.

"You know you can sit down, right?" He laughed, watching intently as she kept daydreaming.

Valerie sat down and looked around his living room. Abel walked into the room connected to the kitchen as she stood up to change the song on his phone. She scrolled through his playlist and selected a song by Dru Hill.

Abel placed a cake on the table and wrapped his arms around her from behind, causing her to look up from his phone. "Don't be preein' through my phone, Lurk Franklin."

Valerie laughed lightly. "Okay, Jerk Franklin."

He shook his head, smiling as he sat on the couch. "No, baby girl... That wasn't it. My nickname for you, on the other hand, was funny as hell."

She sarcastically frowned after setting his phone back on the stand. "At least I tried."

"Yeah, a little too hard."

"Oh, so that's how I make it get?" She patiently waited to hear his answer.

"That was a good one, Valerie. You're getting better at this thing."

"It was good because it was both funny and true."

He laughed in disbelief. "Hmm, I don't know about all that."

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