thirty-three / [b]

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thirty-three / [b]

* contains possible triggering elements, please beware.

Man, nothing brought more joy to Valerie than to hear Abel encourage her to do what was best for her. She wasn't supposed to contact him at all during her therapy sessions, but she decided to keep that on the low. If only Abel and she knew, there was nothing to be so worried about.

It wasn't his voice or his vow to love her no matter what that calmed her soul. The fact that he supported her through all the bullshit is what meant the most to her. Valerie was so mixed up and unsure of who she was when she was on drugs and Abel was willing to brush that all aside. She had his locks changed without his consent and he still forgave her. She told him that she didn't want to see him ever again and he continued to have her back nonetheless.

The sad thing about it was that she didn't know how to have Abel's back in return. She wasn't trying to be selfish, but she just didn't know if she was strong enough to support him. She couldn't even support herself. Valerie couldn't seem to get over being a destroyed void.

After the wedding reception, the chaperone took Valerie back to the rehab centre and the next day, she decided to come clean to Dr. Manning about everything. She expressed how saddened she was to see her sister move on in life and how she felt left behind. She told him that her mother and she talked about it, and it resulted in her running away like she always did. She admitted all of her wrongs except for the one thing that she couldn't tell the truth about. If he found out that she talked to Abel, he'd probably make her restart therapy sessions. A wise woman by the name of Sweet Brown once stated that ain't nobody got time fur dat!

Valerie snapped out of her thoughts, regretting that it had been two weeks that she kept the lie in. There was no way to tell him that she still wanted him. No matter how hard she tried, it was impossible to forget the whole situation. Even on her birthday.

That's right, today was Valerie's twenty-third birthday. It was a Tuesday and her family had already thrown a surprise party for her, so she decided to spend the day with her therapist, Dr. Manning. Valerie had no intentions of dating him though. She asked him if she could spend the day of her birthday doing something fun and he told her that he'd have to be her chaperone. The only reason she wanted to go anyway was due to him promising to take her shopping and there was nothing she loved more than Topshop.

Once they arrived at the outlet mall, Dr. Manning began acting kinda strange. It was almost as if he wanted to keep his distance from her, which was understandable to a certain degree, but he made it clear that it should be a therapist's job to make their clients feel comforted. Comfort was the last thing that Valerie felt while being out shopping with him.

"You okay?" She asked, being the caring and curious person that she was.

"Of course, yeah." He replied, stretching out the 'of course', making it improbable to believe that he was being real with her.

Hours had gone by and Valerie's skeptical feelings continued to grow, but she refused to let him know that. The last thing she wanted was to lose another person in her life. Dr. Manning and she spent dinner together in complete silence, but there wasn't much she could complain about. The man was purchasing everything without a cause or doubt.

It wasn't until they were on the road after dinner that her suspicions grew too far, making her want to get out of the car. He had drunk too much and she didn't want him to take advantage of her. "Um, Dr. Manning? Could you take me back to the centre now? I mean, I had a great day with you and all, but I'm kinda tired and ready for bed."

He laughed uneasily. "Where do you think I'm taking you? I'm only going the long way."

No, this wasn't the long way. Valerie had spent most of her years in Montréal and knew her way around the city just with her eyes. She knew he was lying, but he didn't know that she knew.

She attempted to look around his car in a way that wasn't obvious for potential weapons. There had to be a way for her to get out.

Dr. Manning smirked, now being fully aware of her skepticism. He placed a hand on Valerie's thigh as if it could console her. She told herself to stay calm and collected. She knew she couldn't work herself up about it while she was in the car.

Some minutes later, they arrived at a house. "You getting out?"

Her lips trembled in fear. "N-No I'll just wait in the car."

About a second later, Dr. Manning walked over to her door and opened it. "You're so messed up, why don't you just come in here for a bit. I told you, Valerie. You can trust me."

The sternness in her vision began to fade as her eyes rolled back. She had been here once before. Dr. Manning had put her right back into a grip she was desperately fighting to be freed from. "What did you give me?" Valerie managed to ask, but not in the way she would have preferred.

"Nothing you didn't need." He lied, carrying her onto his porch and into his house after unlocking the door.

Dr. Manning carried her upstairs to his room, but she couldn't stop him. It was unlike any high she had ever experienced. She couldn't feel herself being placed on his bed. She couldn't manage to speak further. She couldn't find the urge to fight him off of her. It was like she was powerless to an unknown force of dominance.

No tears streamed down her face as he pulled her dress up and forced her panties to one side. Valerie wondered how long the feeling would last and desperately hoped that it would pass over as soon as possible.

Dr. Manning shoved himself inside of her and began penetrating without giving her a say in what she wanted. He kept thrusting and thrusting, and after a while, she could feel a tear falling down her face. This was natural. She had been high too many times for it to last long.

Once she was able to gain the confidence to speak, she did, her words coming out somewhat slurred. "What did you put in my lemonade?"

"Liquid X, babe." He said as he kept going until he came. Once he busted one, he promised her something. "Don't worry, darling. You'll never remember this."

Little did he know that he was not aware of the fact that he was wrong. Dr. Manning rolled over on his back and fell asleep, leaving Valerie to be the dominant one.

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