fifty-one / [b]

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fifty-one / [b]

* contains sexually explicit material.

Abel stared intently into Valerie's eyes as he descended on one knee. He pulled out that long-awaited black box and smiled when he saw his baby girl crying, covering her mouth and shaking her head in disbelief. "Sol Valerie Reine, what more do I need to explain? I don't want to do this boyfriend-girlfriend thing anymore, I want you to be my wife. What do you think of that idea, huh?"

Valerie closed her eyes for a few seconds and allowed herself to feel everything entirely at that moment. Thoughts of their pasts and what their futures held for them were heavy on her mind. Her cheeks were wet from the tears and her eyes were a bit red once they had opened back up to be met with an anxious Abel. Even when he was down on one knee anticipating the answer he should have guessed right on, he was still unsure of the love she had for him. If there was one thing she was certain of at that moment, it was of her love for Abel. She was working on self-love every single day, but loving him didn't take her much work at all.

"Let me in, beautiful," Abel whispered so that only she could hear him. "What's on your mind? Do you need some time to think about this?"

"No..." Valerie muttered, realizing that she made everyone's heart stop at the word. "No, I mean I don't need any time to reflect on this... Yes, my god, yes. I would love to be your wife, I'd be honoured."

The smile on Abel's face oddly reminded Valerie of their childhood. She couldn't stop staring into her boyfriend's eyes as she realized that she would now be his fiancée after he placed the ring on her finger. The rock was huge and it was extra shiny with the stage lights hitting against it so perfectly. She closed her eyes and felt Abel's lips move in sync with her own. Everyone gave their applauses and made sure to acknowledge their gratitude for the couple.

Abel tried to dance alone with Valerie for the rest of the night until his crew had popped several bottles of champagne and poured it all over himself and his girl. He was at his utmost happiest in life and she had taken notice when he couldn't stop smiling at her, repeating over and over again, "Thank you for never giving up on us."

They left the venue holding hands and Valerie was already showing off her beautiful rock since they had agreed that it'd be unnecessary to keep it a secret. Paparazzi made sure to get a selection of high-quality pictures as the couple made their way into a limo Abel had rented for them. A part of him wanted to go to their loft and tear each other into pieces until they fell asleep, however, the greater part of him felt that sleep could wait. He was afraid to admit it out loud, but Abel thought that if he slept it off, he'd realize that it'd all been a dream.

He looked over at the company seated across from him. His gorgeous fiancée was already staring at him with tears forming in her eyes. Valerie quickly wiped at her eyes and smiled at the man whose face was a little too close to hers. It had suddenly become too difficult to breathe.

"Are you okay, mama?"

"I'm in shambles... Did you really just propose to me in front of everyone I care about?"

Abel sighed and closed his eyes. "Would you rather have it any other way, my love?"

Valerie waited until their eyes locked before she would lean forward and lock their lips. She placed her warm hands against either side of his cheeks, letting out a soft moan once she felt him clutch his jaw underneath her. Abel pulled her against him, wrapping her legs around his waist as he deepened their kiss. His fingers were caressing the muscles on her lower back and his tongue had just begun to explore hers when she pushed against his chest, indicating that she wanted to stop.

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