Agent 3's (Sarah's) P.O.V:
"I'm ok Mike...Thanks to you, I'm here and alive.."
I whispered softly into his ear. It felt so nice being in his arms.
Although we're both agents, this whole Inkopolis Turf War has felt too much for us, so being in his arms is always a relief.
"I was already scared being away from your side," I sniffled, a very soft smile appearing on my lips. "I was extremely scared too, but I had to keep my cool there."
We both let go of each other mostly, but the Octoling continued to hold my hand lovingly and gave me a kiss on the cheek. His crimson eyes seemed to have been watering a bit from the rollercoaster of emotions going on.
"Don't cry," I pleaded from him. "We're okay now. We're safe."
I reached over for his face and gently wiped away the tears. He gave a light chuckle in response.
"How are your injuries..?" Mike asked me once again. looking over at my leg. "It stings and burns at the same time," I explained. "But it's not as bad now as when I recently got it...I can manage and I can still stand.."
"I'm sure even after that high pressured ink, you'll heal up in no time," An octoling stated, joining in our conversation. I stared at the other octoling now kneeling next to Mike, also checking my injury. He had a lighter shade of pink for hair, and had golden eyes. An odd combo. "Who is this Mike..?" I asked curiously.
"This is Drake, he's a sentient, unbrainwashed octoling just like me. I almost splatted him when we met."
"Nice to meet you. You must be Sarah," He shook her hand politely.
"Nice to meet you too," I nodded. "I am."
After explaining everything briefly about Drake and their situation, we all walked over and stared out at the Octo Shower going rampant in the Inkopolis streets. This entire conversation we had temporarily forgotten what was actually going on around us.
All of your eyes widened as we watched the view before us.
The Octo Shower had left the part of the city we were in in a purple ruins.
The chaos continued, it wasn't like the Octarian soldiers disappeared once the Octo Shower appeared. We could see all the inkling and octarian ghosts rise up into the air and slowly fade into the sky.
"So many lives are being lost," I whispered, squeezing Mike's hand tighter.
"My body feels so heavy," Mike said in a shaky voice. "I want to go back and help, but my body simply can't move anymore...The super jumping and everything before that had taken a heavy toll on me..."
"My body feels the same..." I responded.
"I should go help the inklings," Drake stated, staring out into the mayhem going on in the distance. "It's my kind that started this mess."
"No Drake," Mike said. "We're helping you free yourself from them, we can't have you going off and die."
And with that, we stared off into the battlefield, witnessing the first loss of Inkopolis during the second Great Turf War. The tides of the battle were turned in the blink of an eye, it was incredible how fast it changed.
The Octo Shower continued with its Octo Sniper, Heavy Splatling, shower, Stingray and missiles.
I leaned on Mike's shoulder in defeat, not wanting to believe what was going on.
I wanted to sleep, and wake up in Mike's arms in my parent's living room realizing all of this was just one big, horrible dream. Shutting my eyes, I clinged onto his arm, wanting everything to go back to normal. To not see anymore inklings lose their lives, to not feel useless and hopeless anymore...
Agent 8's (Mike's) P.O.V:
I noticed how hard Sarah was clinging onto me and shutting her eyes. She must be feeling horrible right now. I can't blame her based on all the destructive noise and chaos going on in our home.
"Do you guys...see that in the distance..?" Drake pointed out, wincing and pointing at a black dot in the sky, slowly getting bigger and closer the battlefield in which the Octo Shower was causing destruction.
"Don't tell me it's another Octarian aircraft..." I hoped, looking at what he was pointing out.
Slowly, I realized that it was several inkling aircrafts bringing in reinforcements. A few inklings had super jumped from the leading aircraft, more specifically, 6 other inklings.
"S-Sarah! Look!" I pointed out to her. The green haired inkling looked up and out again, though she didn't really want to do so. However, as soon as she realized what she was seeing, her hope was reignited.
We saw a charger taking out the Octocopers carrying the Octo Shower with ease, making it fall to the ground. The exposed tentacle, aka the weak point, was then attacked by another roller and a brush, ultimately destroying the Octo Shower. Down in the battlefield, a blaster, slosher and dualies user were taking on the Octarians, doing relatively well.
"I can't believe it..." I whispered under my breath.
"Mike, are those..?"
I relieved smile appeared on my face and slowly I collapsed on my knees. Slowly, tears streamed down my face as Sarah held me close and Drake cheered in the background.
"It's the other agents.." Sarah sobbed happily next to me.
We watched as what we thought was us losing the fight, turn into us ending up winning the battle last second.
All because of our friends and the reinforcements they were able to bring last minute.
A.N. Finally finished these chapters!
Chapter 11, 12 and 13 were all written from scratch in one night (02/27/21). I wanted to give a few chapters all at once as a treat.
I hope everyone who is reading this is greatly enjoying this book!
I will now be granted the precious gift of sleep... ^u^
Word Count: 992
Through It All... (Agent 8 x Agent 3) [FINAL BOOK]
FanfictionHoping that they could get a break at Sarah's (Agent 3) old house away from the city, a sudden news flash changed everything... Inkopolis, Sarah and Mike's (Agent 8) home, as well as every other inkling's, has been invaded by the Octarian Army! In...