Chapter 12: Operation: Save The Dinosaurs

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-Gabriella's POV-

"We're doing this!" I hear Brooklynn say while driving the motorbike with Kenji and Yaz as passengers. I also heard Kenji groan.

I'm riding behind Ben on Bumpy's back as we follow the other three until we eventually come to a stop because of the gate was blocking our way. Ben and I get off Bumpy.

"Let's take this down, Bumps" Ben says to Bumpy.

Bumpy goes over to the gate before whacking her tail against the gate but it doesn't budge, Ben tries to help take down the gate by punching and kicking it.

"Yeah, I don't think wild child and his amazing dino are gonna be able to punch through the gate" said Yaz.

Kenji goes over to Bumpy after saying she needs some pep talk to take down the gate, as a response to Kenji's pep talk Bumpy makes a noise and knocks him over.

"What do we do now?" Kenji asked and looked up at Brooklynn.

As Ben still tries to punch and kick the gate down the rest of us try to think of another way to get to main street before Darius, Sammy, and the hunters. "Ben, give it a rest. It won't budge" I try to get him to stop but he just ignored me and continues acting like a wild child. Then after a few more tries he turns around.

"It's not budging" Ben says.

You don't say.

Then we heard a noise "there it is again" said Brooklynn, this noise is probably what Brooklynn was referring to earlier. We follow Brooklynn who follows the noise, and we end up in front of a locked door.

Brooklynn takes out the card she found earlier and taps it against the doorknob, the light on the doorknob goes from red to green. The door then opens and we were met with very cold air. We fold our arms as we entered the cold hallway. I was about to walk past Ben and Bumpy when Ben stops me because he wanted to hold my hand, aww, I couldn't say no.

But what is everyone else going to think when they find out that Ben and I are together now?

We come to stop outside another door and Brooklynn opens it to reveal a control room in it, possibly a place where they control the power and electricity on the island.

"My Dad might not know this place is here!" Kenji said.

"Well, let's start looking for a power button. We've gotta find a way to raise that gate" Brooklynn instructed.

Yaz, Ben, Brooklynn, and I all start pressing random buttons while Kenji goes over to a fuse box with a picture of a lightning bolt on it. After a few moments the power comes on.

"Kenji, you did it!" Brooklynn said.

Kenji joins the rest of us at the control panel, the screens turn on and we can see parts of Main Street on the screens. "Hey you guys, I can see them" Yaz says.

We get excited and tried talking to Darius and Sammy through the screens but they couldn't hear us, then we noticed Tiff and Mitch were creeping up behind them.

Suddenly Brooklynn gasps.

"Oh no!"

"What is it?" I asked.

"The T-Rex. She's left her lair"

"But Darius and Sammy are still there!"

All we could do was to watch on as the T-Rex makes her way out to Main Street, roaring at Tiff and Mitch before chasing them. Darius and Sammy run in a opposite direction to Tiff and Mitch. Sammy falls over and drops the case she was holding, she gets back up and grabs the case before going to run off but Mitch grabs onto the other end and starts to pull, Tiff goes over to help Mitch while Darius goes over to help Sammy.

Suddenly the T-Rex comes into view and goes to bite them but instead gets the strap from the case caught on her bottom teeth. Darius and Sammy run away while Mitch tries to grab the case but is thrown around like a rag doll. The T-Rex throws Mitch to the ground along with the case before chasing him and Tiff.

After escaping the T-Rex, Mitch and Tiff ran off leaving Darius and Sammy with the T-Rex. Darius and Sammy hide under a table as the T-Rex walks over to where she came in.

"That's it. Be a good girl and go on back home" said Brooklynn.

The T-Rex stops and sniffs the air before turning around and heading towards where Darius and Sammy were hiding. Uh oh!

Yaz, Brooklynn, Kenji, Ben, and myself were watching the screen and holding our breath. The T-Rex lowers her head and sees Darius and Sammy hiding under the table. Sammy and Darius quickly get out from under the table and the T-Rex chases them into a corner, we quickly spring into action and started pressing every button we could see.

After a few minutes we finally found a way to distract the T-Rex.

Kenji then finds the speaker button and starts talking, Darius and Sammy both looked confused. Brooklynn takes over and speaks to them, since we couldn't hear what they were saying they had to act out what they were wanting to tell us.

Darius made like a ring with his arms, it looked like Sammy was picking something up with her hand and bringing it to her mouth. Yaz was the first to guess what it was, water. Then Darius made it clear with the next action, he pretended to have a gun and pretended to shoot.

Sammy and Darius run out of Main Street and into the jungle, they then came to a stop and it looked like Darius and Sammy were talking. So we tried to find the sound button, Ben finds the sound button.

"[...] I don't want to lose any of you, I already lost Ben" we heard Darius say.

"We got your back, Darius. Forget the boat, Tiff and Mitch are going down!" Ben says.


"You're alive?"

"Oh riiiiiight, you didn't know. Yeah, we found the sound button so we can hear you. And I defeated Toro. [Bumpy makes a noise] also Bumpy says hi"

Sammy and Darius looked shocked.

"Uhh... I think I broke them"

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