Chapter 58: Critical Malfunction

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-Gabriella's POV-

The next day comes around and we're just relaxing. Yaz is out going for a run through the jungle biome meanwhile Ben and I are feeding Angel and Rebel leaves as we sit near the watering hole. Angel shrieks and looks away from Ben.

"Oh, really spoiled you with all those berries, huh? Don't worry. She'll be back soon" Ben says to Angel. I'm sitting next to Rebel and giving him pats as he makes a purring noise.

We then hear panting behind us "huh?" Ben and I look behind us and see Yaz approaching before she jumps over Ben, making him whimper and shield himself. I chuckle. I watch as Yaz comes to a stop in front of the watering hole.

"You okay, Fadoula?" Ben asked.

Yaz starts laughing.

"Seriously. You okay?" Ben asked again.

Yaz stops laughing and turns to look at Ben and I "I forgot how good it feels to run. I mean, really run" she replies, walking over to us. "For fun, and not because something is chasing us" she adds before laying down next Rebel in a relaxed position.

Ben walks over and sits down next to Rebel, near me, before speaking to Yaz. "Can't say I relate, but I'm glad you had a good time" he says, before resting against Angel.

Yaz chuckles in response before replying "better than good. Being out there gave me the space to think" she then sits up to look at us. "I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tell Sammy how I feel" she tells us.

We both gasp in excitement.

"That's our girl" I say.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, I'm so happy for you. How? When?" Ben asked.

Yaz turns to face us more. "No idea. I'll just... I'll do it when the time is right, you know?" We then hear Sammy grunting in the distance. Ben gets up and sees Sammy pulling a large piece of meat before looking back at Yaz.

"Well, how about now?" Ben asked.

Yaz also watched Sammy pulling on the large piece of meat, then looks at us. Ben and I walk with Yaz to where Sammy was hiding behind a bush as she watched Big Eatie and Little Eatie eat the stack of meat.

Yaz looks back at Ben and I nervously, Ben puts a hand on her shoulder and smiles. "You got this, Yaz" I say to her, giving her a reassuring smile. Yaz turns around and exhales deeply before walking towards Sammy.

Ben and I just stayed standing there, probably looking like proud parents. We watch as Yaz talks to Sammy when we suddenly hear roaring, it was just Big Eatie and Little Eatie playing with their food.

The mother and daughter duo turn around and walk away after eating their dinner. We watched on as Sammy laughs at Yaz as she takes a little piece of meat from Yaz's hair. Then Brooklynn and Darius were seen walking back, Ben hurries over to them before speaking loudly.

"Oh, hey, Brooklynn and Darius. Uh, fancy seeing you here" he said.

I face palm myself and shake my head.

"At the meet-up spot? Yeah, who saw that coming?" Darius replied.

"Hey, guys" Sammy said, getting up from the ground and going over to Brooklynn and Darius. "Any luck?" She asked them.

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