Chapter 13: Operation: Save The Dinosaurs (Part 2)

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-Gabriella's POV-

"Umm, I think I broke them" says Ben, after Sammy and Darius didn't say anything.

Yaz went over to Ben so she could speak to Darius and Sammy through the mic, pushing Ben's chair to the side "Yeah, Ben's alive, we're all pretty happy about it" she says. Brooklynn also pushed Ben's chair out of the way so she could talk to Darius and Sammy.

"Whatever it is, we're not going to let you do it alone"

"Yeah, you're one of us" Yaz added.

After a short moment of us talking we started discussing ways of trying to stop Tiff and Mitch "we feed them to the Mosasaurus!" Ben suggested.

We all look at Ben.

"It really feels like we're not getting any use out of the Mosasaurus" says Ben, looking disappointed.

"Maybe another time" I say to him as I rest my hand on his shoulder.

"Anyway! Ben, Yaz, and Gabby get big and loud, Kenji grab a bike and pick up Sammy and I. Brooklynn, you're our eyes"

We do as Darius says. We leave Brooklynn so she could get to work, Kenji hops onto the motorbike before taking off. Yaz, Bumpy, Ben, and I find a garage, we go inside to discover that it had a jeep sitting inside... And a quad bike.

"A quad bike? Awesome!"

I go over to the quad bike and sit down on it before turning it on, but it turned off again shortly after "huh, maybe it's out of gas?" I asked myself. I look over my shoulder and see Ben had walked over to the jeep Yaz was in and knocked on the window before turning on the two torches he found and made a silly face. This made me giggle.

He defiantly has changed, and I'm not complaining. I like this new version of him.

Ben walks away and goes over to Bumpy as I tried once again to start the quad bike but it didn't work "Gabs" I look up to see Ben and Bumpy had walked over to me. He extended his arm out and holds his hand out to me "you can ride with me on Bumpy" said Ben.

"Thank you" I say, after taking Ben's hand and climbing up on Bumpy's back.

"Ready, Yaz?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm ready" she replies.

"Bumpy, Ben, are you ready?" I asked Bumpy.

Bumpy makes a noise as response.

"Yup, we're ready"

"Alright, let's go!" I say.

Yaz takes off in the jeep and Bumpy follows her with Ben and I on her back. We meet up with Kenji and Sammy... Wait! Wasn't Darius was supposed to be with them? Anyway.

"Brooklynn says that Tiff and Mitch are almost at the watering hole" said Kenji.

"Then what are we waiting for? Last one there's a rotten egg!" said Sammy.

"Go, Bumpy! Go!" Ben and I say to Bumpy.

Yaz started beeping the horn on the jeep, Sammy held up a cassette in the air after turning up the volume to as high as it'll go while sitting behind Kenji on the bike, and Ben started waving the two torches in the air. We started to climb up the hill.

Once we finally get to the top of the hill we see where the dinosaurs are and headed straight for them, we tried to make lots of noise to get them to move away from the watering hole.

"Alright dinos, it's time to move!" I say.

We chase all the dinosaurs far enough away from the watering hole, away from Tiff and Mitch. We stopped to take a break and celebrate our victory. "Hey, umm, do you wanna be in front?" Ben asked, looking over his shoulder "how are we supposed switch places?" I asked.

"Easy. Just stand up carefully and climb over me, don't worry, I won't let you fall"


"But before you do, move back a little bit"

I get up slowly and carefully after Ben and I moved back a little bit before climbing over Ben and sitting down in front of him "there, that wasn't hard?" Ben asked.

"It was a little scary! I've never ridden a dinosaur before let alone change seating arrangements on one" I replied.

Ben laughs "at least I get to do this now" he pulls me closer to him and wraps his arms around me before he started tickling me. I giggle which made him smile and giggle as he continues to tickle me.

We suddenly hear Sammy gasp.

He stops tickling me, we both looked over at the others, both of us thinking we got caught but we quickly realised it wasn't us that made Sammy gasp. "Stampede!" Kenji turns his bike around before speeding off as Ben helps Sammy up onto Bumpy's back "hey Gabby!" Sammy says.

"Hey" I replied, looking over my shoulder at her and Ben.

"Time to go Bumpy" Ben says to Bumpy.

Bumpy turns around and runs away from the incoming stampede "Yaz!" I hear Sammy gasp, I look behind me and see that the jeep Yaz was in wasn't moving "Bumpy go get Yaz" I tell Bumpy. Bumpy turns around and runs towards the jeep.

Sammy helps Yaz onto Bumpy's back before Bumpy tries to escape the stampede but we end up having a scary up-close encounter with the T-Rex. We managed to get away, phew! We join up with Brooklynn, Darius, and Kenji at the dock.

The four of us get off Bumpy's back. Yaz and Sammy go over to Brooklynn, Kenji, and Darius and gave them a hug. I stayed next to Ben and rested my hand on his shoulder as I could see he looked nervous.

Darius looks over at us and sees Ben "hey" said Ben, I take my hand off Ben's shoulder and step away a little just in time because Darius ran up and gave Ben a hug, Ben hugs him back.

"I'm sorry, I tried to hold" says Darius.

Ben breaks away from the hug to look Darius in the eye before saying "think nothing of it kid, you've seen what I've seen... I missed you guys too!" Ben and Darius hug again.

"Did... Did you just call me kid?" Darius asked Ben.

Brooklynn, Kenji, Sammy, Yaz, and I hug Ben and Darius "hugging too long" said Yaz before we all break away from the group hug. Ben holds my hand as we all look towards the dock.

"So, what now? Do we find another distress beacon?" Kenji asked.

"No. We're tired of waiting for someone to come to rescue us. It's time we find our own way off the island" replied Darius.

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