Chapter 40: Creating A Distraction

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-Gabriella's POV-

After Ben successfully cleans me up and patched me up with bandages, I noticed I'm no longer wearing my grey sweater. I decide to sit up and move because I was starting to get uncomfortable, I look over to my left and saw my grey sweater on the ground and it was badly torn. I sigh.

Mae whimpers.

"Okay, Mae. Let's get you cleaned up"

Mae groans.

Ben goes to take off the leaf from Mae's stomach when suddenly Mae yelps and punches Ben in the cheek. Ben falls over with a thud. "Ben, you hurt me" Mae said, in a labored voice.

Ben sits up, grunts and sighs before rubbing his nose "you hurt me!" He says and points to his face. "Sorry. Maybe it's safer if we stick with the leaves" replied Mae. Ben moves and goes back to Mae "we don't want you getting an infection. Luckily, antibacterial is my middle name" Ben says.

I look at Ben funny.

"Really? My middle name is Enfys. It's Welsh for "rainbow". Hmm. What's your middle name Gabby?"

"Dorothy. It's nothing special like yours. It's just plain and boring" I replied.

"Also, Ben's middle name is actually Fitzgerald"

"Okay. Let's just take care of these wounds..." Ben goes to touch the leaf again but stops "you're not gonna punch me again, are you?" Ben asked, a little hesitant.

"No. I'm ready for it this time" replied Mae.

Ben touches the leaf and goes to pull it off when Mae screams and punches Ben again, Ben falls over with a thud. "Sorry" said Mae. I sigh to myself.

"This is gonna take a while" I say.

Once Ben was finally able to patch up Mae. The others returned and the girls sit down next to Mae "we found Kash... In this creepy warehouse full of BRADs" said Yaz.

"I almost had the phone. But then..." Brooklynn says.

"He went back inside the compound" Yaz added in.

"The BRADs forced Big Eatie away from her daughter. They shocked her until she left with them" said Darius.

"It was... Hard to watch" Kenji said.

"Hasn't he hurt them enough?" Mae asked.

"He wants to use her for some kind of test" says Darius.

Suddenly there was a dinosaur roaring in the distance, Mae gasps "that's Piece" then she whimpers, holding her side. "No, no, no. You need to rest" Darius says and goes to Mae.

"But if Kash is hurting him like he did Big Eatie..."

"Don't worry. We'll go" Darius reassured her.

"I'm coming too"

I stand up carefully, wincing a little, holding my side. "Are you crazy? You're still hurt. You need to rest just like Mae" said Ben. I glare at him. "I'm coming with you. I've dealt with things a lot worse than getting bitten by a Raptor" I replied.

"But Gabby..."

*a little while later*

"Sometimes I hate it when she acts all stubborn" said Ben, mumbling to himself.

We follow the drones that were taking Pierce and they led us to the compound, we watch as Pierce howls and groans whilst the drones were making him walk closer to the compound.

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