Chapter 35: Tampering with the T-Rex Food

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-Gabriella's POV-

The door beeps and buzzes before opening, Mae walks in before looking up from whatever she was holding and sees one of the BRADs head on the ground in front of her feet, then she sees it's body further ahead.

"What happened here?" Mae asks as Sammy and Darius run up behind her.

"Uh, it came in a few minutes after you left. It was scanning all over the place" replied Kenji.

"There goes the one place we were supposed to be safe" said Sammy, looking up at Mae then turning to look at the rest of us. Mae sighs.

"Apologies, Sammy. Seems like you were right to be suspicious of Mantah Corp" said Mae.

Mae goes over to her desk before brushing some things aside and placing a little white cube on the table. "Time to find out what they're doing to my dinosaurs" she says. Some of us started yawning, Mae chuckles softly. "Go on, you lot. You need some rest" said Mae.

"But what about--" Darius gets cut off by his own yawn. Mae chuckles.

"I can handle it. You, however, need some rest" Mae replied.

Yaz volunteered to stay up and keep a look out for any more unwanted visitors. The rest of the group took Mae's advice. Darius and Kenji were sleeping on the couch, Brooklynn was asleep in the chair, Sammy, Ben, and I were asleep on the floor.

I was using one arm as a pillow for my head while the other was loosely wrapped around Ben. Mae let us sleep but when we woke up she asked us to come to her desk because she wants to show us something she discovered.

"Okay, after careful analysis of the nutriment samples, I've discovered alarmingly high levels of receptor antagonists..." Mae passes something to Brooklynn. "As well as adrenal addictives..." Brooklynn passes it to Darius. "These must be the cause of the elevated combative state of the animals who've ingested them..." Darius passes it to Kenji. Kenji then passes it to me before I passed it on to someone else.

"Dude, what the heck is she talking about?" Kenji asks Darius.

"She's basically saying that the T-Rex food's been tampered with. They're adding things that make the dinos more aggressive" I replied.

"And unfortunately, it also inhibits their ability to feel pain. Wow! Gabby, I didn't know you knew a thing or two about dinosaurs, I thought it was just Darius?"

"Well, that's what I get for growing up with a father who is a palaeontologist and scientist. It kinda rubs off on you after a while" I replied. Mae chuckles.

"But, let's get back to the main topic here--" Sammy cuts Yaz off.

"Mantah Corp is the worst!"

"Why would they do that?" Darius asks Mae.

"I have no idea. But it seems more important than ever to get you kids off the island" said Mae.

"No argument here" Kenji replies, coughing.

"Are you feeling okay?" Brooklynn asked Kenji.

"Always" Kenji replied to Brooklynn.

"Something just caught in my throat"

Brooklynn scoffs before turning to Mae and Darius "great. Trying to get off yet another island. Any ideas?" Brooklynn asks. Mae gasps. "The supply plane! It comes every two weeks. Only, the next one's not due for another ten days" said Mae.

"We can't wait that long" said Yaz.

"Maybe we don't have to. Any way to make the plane come sooner?" Brooklynn asks Dr. Turner.

"Well, I mean, I suppose it would come if there was some kind of emergency" replied Mae.

"If we stop the dinos from eating that messed-up food, Mantah Corp would notice, right?" Sammy asked.

"Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone. Get rid of the altered T-Rex food, and get the supply plane to come early!" Darius says.

"Hang on" said Kenji, clearing his throat. "So, we're just gonna somehow get this supply plane to come? All the while avoiding getting eaten by dinosaurs or getting zapped by killer robots then we just sneak onboard, and hope that Mantah Corp doesn't notice seven kids on the plane until we're back home?" Kenji asked.

"Uh, yeah" replied Darius.

"It's worth a shot" I say.

Kenji looked unsure but gave up "supply plane it is" replies Kenji.

"Right. All we need is a solid, detailed plan" said Dr. Turner.

She turns her back and hmm's "give me a minute. I'm sure I'll come up with something" said Mae. Dr. Turner turns around, still mumbling.

"Uh, Mae? I have an idea that could work. Here's how it'll go down. First, we'll wait until the T-Rexes go to sleep. Mae, Ben, and Yaz will keep an eye on 'em and make sure they stay that way. The minute they wake up you guys will alert--"

"Sorry, can I not be on dino duty?"

We look at Yaz, surprised.

"But you're the fastest" said Ben.

"I know. Like, by a lot. But... I stayed up pretty late last night, and I could use... A break" replied Yaz.

"No prob. I'll be team dino" said Kenji, then sneezing.

"Uh, are you catching a cold?" Brooklynn asked.

"Because the last thing I need is to get sick" she added.

"Me? Sick? No way! I'm a hundred percent, all day, every day" Kenji replied.

"Okay. So, Kenji will keep an eye on the Rexes. Meanwhile, Brooklynn, Sammy, and Gabby will get rid of the altered T-Rex food. Finally, Yaz and I will move in and disable the feeding platform, which will hopefully alert Mantah Corp to send the supply plane so the BRADs can repair it" says Darius.

After Sammy, Brooklynn, and I successfully get rid of the altered T-Rex food we go to somewhere nearby but out of sight from the T-Rexes. Brooklynn and I put the food in a cardboard box as the others joined us.

"Everyone good?" Darius asked.

"Oh, yeah" replied Kenji, trying to catch his breath.

Mae gasps after her tablet beeps "it worked! The plane will be here in three hours with new food and replacement parts. You lot are almost home" said Mae.

"Oh, yeah!"

We high five each other.

"Take that, Mantah Corp!" Sammy says.

Suddenly a BRAD shows up unexpectedly and scans us, we gasp, it's eyes go from green to red. "Unauthorized life forms detected" it said, Mae goes up with her hand out.

"Stop! Stand down!"

"Command override due to unauthorized life forms" it replied as it walks around her.

The BRAD walks closer to us.

"That doesn't sound good" said Kenji.

"Initiating elimination protocol" the BRAD said.

"Run! Everyone, run!" Dr. Turner yells.

We turn on our heels and ran with the BRAD hot on our heels.

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