Chapter 6: Investigating

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-Gabriella's POV-

We arrive at the observation tower but the gate was closed "huh. Looks like we'll have to go back" said Ben. Then Brooklynn had a plan, she took out a hairpin from her hair before trying to use it to open the door.

Which was a success. She then went on to say something about one of her past videos being the one about her using a hairpin to unlock a lock.

The seven of us climbed up the stairs and by the time we were at the top we were all tired from climbing all those stairs. We then saw two workers run up to the observation tower and started yelling something at us, but since we were too high up we couldn't hear them.

"Oh, great. They look mad. I told you guys we shouldn't have come here" said Ben.

"Then why did you come if you knew this would be a bad idea?" I asked.

His face quickly changed to nervousness "I-I... Err" is all he said, then we heard that loud roar again and we all jumped back. "What is making that noise?" Kenji asked.

"I don't know" replied Darius.

Then we see a Brachiosaurus in the distance get taken down from a mysterious creature "what did that?" I asked. Then we see it, a dinosaur that looks like a T-Rex.

"What is that thing?" Kenji asked.

"In Doctor Wu's lab there was a--"

"The Indominus Rex"

"Wait, how do you know that?"

"There's no time. We need to go. Now!"

"Nah-uh. Up here safe, down there not safe. Besides, it isn't like it can see us"

The Indominus Rex turned around and looked up at us "it sees us!" Ben says, the Indominus Rex started charging for the observation tower before trying to climb up it. This was making the tower shake, causing us to fall over.

Sammy nearly fell off the side of the tower but luckily Yasmina, Darius, and Kenji help her back up. Ben was now clinging on to my arm and shaking with fear, I'm finding it adorable and cute that he wants to stay close to me when he's scared.

That's a crazy thought, Gabriella. We haven't known each other for that long. Yet, when I'm with him I can't help but stare at his pretty face and into his pretty blue eyes... Uhh, I think I do have a crush on Ben.

"How do we get off from here?" Brooklynn asked.

Darius looked around and an idea popped into his head "the zipline!" He says, we hurried over before Brooklynn puts Ben on the first one. Ben was struggling to buckle himself up "I can't! I can't! I can't!" Ben was panicking.

Kenji helped him by buckling him up and pushing him down the zipline, Sammy was the next person to go, followed by Kenji, Brooklynn, and then me.

Suddenly all the ziplines stopped midway "why aren't we moving? Ben, what did you do?" Kenji asked. I was a little annoyed that Kenji accused Ben of doing something.

"I didn't do anything! It just stopped!" Ben replied.

"I think it might be the emergency brake" I say.

Then Yaz and Darius came zooming down the zipline, Darius must have thought of a plan. I look back at Darius and Yaz, only to see the observation tower in the background was about to fall.

My face went pale, knowing what's about to happen.

"Uh oh"

"What is it?" Yaz asked.


As soon as I said that we fell to the ground "AAAAAHHHHHH!" We all screamed, everything went black as soon as my head hit the ground.

"Hey, sweetie. I have someone I want you to meet"

A tall woman with brown hair and blue eyes walks in the room, she looks familiar but I can't remember "Gabriella, this is Lucy. Aka, Miss McGregory, your old swimming teacher" said Dad.

"You saved my life" I say, getting up.

I walk over to her and gave her a hug "thank you Miss McGregory" Miss McGregory smiled as she hugs me back "please, call me Lucy. I'm not your swimming teacher anymore" she said.

"Gabby, there's a reason why Lucy is here. And that reason is that we're dating. Now I know that this might be weird seeing me dating your old swimming teacher, but if you--" I cut Dad off.

"Miss McGregory was my favourite swimming teacher I had... Then the accident happened, and you told me who saved me after we got home from the hospital. So it's not weird, it might be for someone else, but not me. After Mom left us all those years ago I think you deserve a new start with someone else"

"Aww, thank you sweetie" said Dad, giving me a hug.

"So does that mean Miss McGreg-- I mean, Lucy, will move in with us and live with us?" I asked, they both start laughing.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, we only just started dating" replied Dad.

"Oh" I look down at the floor, feeling a little sad.

"I think I might know why you asked that. All your life you never had a mother figure. But I promise you that one day I'll marry someone who will be like the mother you never had" Dad tells me.

I look up at Dad and we both have tears in our eyes "promise?" I asked, holding out my pinky finger, Dad laughs a little before wrapping his pinky finger around mine.

"I promise. Now, come on. Lucy and I are going to watch a movie in the lounge room and we were wondering if you would like to join us?"

"What movie are you going to watch?"

"We don't know yet, we were hoping you would like to pick the movie"

Dad and Lucy leave my room and I follow them into the lounge room. We ended up watching mine and Dad's favourite film that Lucy apparently has never seen before until now.

I wake up to the sunlight shining through the trees of the jungle "ugh!" I sit up and rubbed my head before realising I'm by myself. I stand up and walked around for a little bit.

"Ben? Brooklynn? Kenji? Anybody?"

I then realised I'm lost. Until I heard some rustling in the tall grass behind me, I gasp, before running behind a tree and hoping it wasn't the Indominus Rex or the T-Rex, or any meat eating creature for that matter.

Please, please, please, please, please...

After a while of not hearing anything I poke my head around the tree to see if I could see what it was, but I didn't see anything. Phew! I let out a sigh of relief before turning around and putting my back against the tree.

I then see a little Ankylosaurus looking up at me "AAAAAHHHH!" I jumped back and fell onto the ground. I rub my head as I sit up. I open my eyes and I could clearly see that the little Ankylosaurus had a little bump on it's head "Bumpy?" I asked, she made a happy noise before coming up to me.

"You scared me! But it's good to see you again Bumpy. Ben's going to-- oh, right. I'm on my own. Oh well, let's go see if we can find the others"

I get back on my feet and started walking in a random direction, just hoping that the Indominus Rex isn't anywhere nearby. Bumpy walked beside me.

We suddenly stopped walking when we heard voices, I then recognised who those voices belonged to "Bumpy, the others are nearby. Come on, let's go!" I say to Bumpy.

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