Chapter 61: Kenji Rejoins CampFam

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-Gabriella's POV-

There was an open airlock in the distance and we could hear our friends talking about Ben and I. Bumpy runs towards the open airlock, her feet making thudding noises on the ground, we hear our friends gasp.

"We should hide" said Darius.

Bumpy bellows, Darius and Brooklynn gasp before turning around and seeing Ben and I on Bumpy's back. "Guess who we have?" I ask, smiling, referring to Bumpy. Bumpy stops and roars.

"Gabby! Ben! Bumpy!" Sammy says, excitedly.

"No way" said Brooklynn.

"Wow. Way to go you two" says Darius.

"Thanks, Darius" Ben says as he jumps off Bumpy's back, leaving me alone on Bumpy's back. "But to be honest, we had a little help" Ben added, petting Bumpy on the side of her head.

Ben walks off and Bumpy walks beside him, showing Kenji. The others gasp when they saw him. Bumpy comes to a stop when Ben stops walking so I took that opportunity to jump down.

"Hey" Kenji says to the others.

Bumpy grunts and shakes her body as Ben is kneeling down in front of her, petting her. I go and kneel down in front of Bumpy and give her some pets too. "You guys have every right to be mad at me" said Kenji.

"You think?" Yaz asked.

"Thanks for the permission" Brooklynn added.

Ben and I look at each other before Ben turns around and says something. "Trust me, I get it. He messed up" he said, I was about to say something as well but Yaz bet me to it.

"Oh, is that what we're calling it?" Yaz asked.

Ben stands up, I stay kneeling down and continued to pat Bumpy. "He betrayed us. He disappointed us. He practically left us for dead" Kenji cuts off Ben by clearing his throat, Ben looks at him as Kenji shakes his head.

Ben then looks back at the others.

"But he knows it was a mistake. Helped save Bumpy. And in my eyes, that's enough for a second chance" Ben says as he over to Kenji and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Plus, considering what and who we're up against, we're gonna need all the help we can get" Ben finishes.

Darius sighs before walking away.

"I-I know there's not some magical thing I can say that will make everything right again. I am so, so sorry. I had this idea of who my Dad was or who I wanted him to be. I kept telling myself, he's not a bad guy" Kenji says, then scoffs. "Turns out I was wrong. Me, wrong" he then chuckles. Yaz smiles a little "shocking, I know" he finished before walking over to Brooklynn.


"I had this big speech ready in case I ever saw you again. But now, I... I just..." Brooklynn then sighs in disappointment. "I thought I knew who you were" she says.

Kenji walks closer to her before putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'm still the same me. I'll prove it to you. No matter how long it takes" he tells her. Brooklynn looks down at the ground for a moment before looking back up at him.

"We'll see" she says.

Brooklynn steps away from Kenji just as Sammy runs over to him and hugs him, Kenji grunts. "Oh, I have so much to tell you" she tells him. She breaks away from the hug to look at him. "First, I have a new catchphrase, and it is controversial. Next, I've changed my mind about the best day of the week. It's Tuesday. Oh, also, I have a girlfriend now" she explained to him.

"Wait, wh-what?"

Yaz walks over and wraps an arm around Sammy's shoulders.

"It's me. I'm the girlfriend" she says and chuckles. "Welcome back, Kenj" Yaz says to Kenji. Kenji laughs before pulling Yaz and Sammy into a hug. "Finally! Sammy and Yaz! Oh, we should call you--" Brooklynn cuts Kenji off.

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