Chapter 20: Finding Out

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-Gabriella's POV-

After Brooklynn goes off exploring with Sammy, I stepped up to help Darius with patching up the boat. Once we finished I go onto the boat and headed into the bathroom. I look myself in the mirror, only to see a girl with glasses, messy hair and ripped clothes staring back at me.

I decided to take off my grey hoodie, now I'm just wearing a plain white singlet top with a white belt wrapped around my waist. I leave the bathroom and exit the boat before making my way back to where I thought the others would be, only to see no one.

"Where is everyone? Oh well. I probably should get back to camp. Someone might be there"

While I was on my way back to Camp Cretaceous I heard noises coming from deep in the jungle. I kept my guard up as I quickly continued walking back to camp. Once I get there I see Kenji and Darius.

"Hey guys! What's up?" I asked.

"Kenji has offered to take care of everything while I go and look for a Gallimimus for my book" said Darius.

"Oh! Can I come? Gallimimuses are my second favourite dinosaur"

"Sure" replied Darius.

I follow Darius and we leave to go look for some Gallimimuses "so since you mentioned that Gallimimuses are your second favourite dinosaur. What's your number one favourite dinosaur?" Darius asked me.

"Raptors. My uncle and my Dad were Raptor trainers here"

"Is that how your Dad became a huge successful author? That's interesting. Hmph. Wish you could have been with us before because we kinda met a Raptor"

"A Raptor? Just one? Usually Echo, Delta, Charlie, and Blue stay together--"

"Yeah, just the one. Wait! Blue? Oh, I get it, because of-- never mind. We kinda trespassed into her home"

"I can't believe it. Delta, Charlie, and Echo. They must've died when the Indominus Rex broke out on the island" I say, sadly.

Darius puts his hand on my shoulder "I watched them all grow up. They were the only friends I had, and now... Now I'm just finding out that some of my best friends are now dead. I--" I stopped myself before I could even start to cry.

"From what I've seen, Blue's doing okay" Darius tells me.

"I hope so"

We carried on and we eventually came across a herd of Gallimimuses "look at them!" I say as Darius and I sit down on a small hill looking down at the herd. Darius was writing and drawing in his book when one of the Gallimimuses looked up at us, I nudged Darius with my elbow.



Darius gasped when he looked at what I'm looking at, the Gallimimus slowly walks over to us and Darius was reaching his hand out to touch it when the walkie talkie started making noises. Scaring it off. Darius and I sigh before Darius picks up the walkie talkie and answered it.

"Dariusaurus to Captain Kenji. What's up?"

Kenji then goes on to tell Darius about all the things he's packing but Darius made it clear to him that in order to do him proud he has to actually do the things that he's supposed to be doing in order to make Darius proud.

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