Chapter 59: Yaz Tells Sammy

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-Gabriella's POV-

We were still walking down the walkway in the sewer, holding torches, and covering our mouths and noses. Darius is ahead of the group and notices some smoke in the distance. "We're almost there" he says, pointing in the direction.

We walk closer to the corner before seeing something that made us all yelp and jump backwards, it was a BRAD, it was on the ground and was leaning up against the wall. We go back around the corner and turn off our flashlights.

The tablet Brooklynn was holding beeps as she turns it on and holds it up and used it to look around the corner. She sighs of relief. "We're okay" she tells us. The device beeps as she turns it off before standing up and walking around the corner. We follow.

"Look" she points her flashlight at the BRAD to show us that the BRAD has been cut in half, the bottom part of it was missing. We continued onwards. As we were walking past, Sammy looks at the BRAD.

"What happened to it?" She asked.

"I'm guessing it lost a fight with the Nothosaurus" replied Darius.

Suddenly we felt the ground shake as we heard rumbling which made us gasp. We look up ahead and see, what I assume to be, the core. There was smoke all around and a screen on the core, the screen was red and had a warning sign on it.

The alarm started blaring again as there was electricity crackling and gas hissing from pipes. We walk over and had a look around. Everyone but Brooklynn. Brooklynn stayed at the console. I suddenly hear a clank and Sammy grunting, she probably nearly tripped over something.

The blaring suddenly stops and we all exhale deeply.

Just then we hear metal clattering right before hearing distant growling. We keep our guard up as we look around trying to see what made that noise. We hear metal creaking. Suddenly the Nothosaurus leaps out of the water, growling.


We were about to run off but we gasped when we saw Yaz on the ground and the Nothosaurus was slowly approaching her. The Nothosaurus started growling as Yaz started kicking it a couple of times before getting the opportunity to get away.

The Nothosaurus flops down on the ground unconscious.

"It's the gas. Don't go near it" said Darius.

More gas started creaking and hissing through a pipe before the pipe bursts out more gas, we gasp and covered our mouths and noses before turning around and running away.

"It's a by-product of the energy core. Could be poisonous. Even worse, the core is overheating. If the pressure builds up enough, the whole thing could blow" Brooklynn explained.

"So then it's lights out all over the island?" Ben asked.

"More like there wouldn't be an island, or us" Brooklynn replied.

Brooklynn looks back at the core.

"If I could find a way to breathe in there, I can fix it from the console" said Brooklynn.

"Okay. To stop the gas, we have to tape up that pipe. I'm pretty sure there's some in the Med Bay" Darius mentions.

"But we can't just leave the Nothosaurus here to die. Right?" Sammy asked.

We carried the Nothosaurus all the way to the Med Bay. Ben and Darius carried the front legs as Yaz and I carried the back legs and Sammy carried the tail. We all grunt as we finally got to put it down on a platform as Brooklynn filmed us on the tablet.

"Look at us. We didn't even argue about whether or not to save a dinosaur that tried to eat us. Yeah. What is wrong with us?" she says on film.

We walk away from the Nothosaurus.

Living With Dinosaurs (Book 1) - A Ben Pincus Fanfiction (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now