Chapter 21: Poisoned

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-Gabriella's POV-

"Running from killer dinos is kind of our thing" said Kenji, nervously.

"Not like this killer dino" Brooklynn replied.

"She's right. We only survived this long because we know how dinosaurs should act. But with the Scorpius Rex, all bets are off. Soon it'll be impossible to survive" said Darius.

Kenji walks over to him and tries to cheer him up "you could have done the one thing I asked you to do" Darius tells Kenji. "If Ben of the jungle hadn't run off I could have--" Kenji gets cut off from Ben.

"Why did you--" Ben didn't hear me.

Ben tells him he should have packed more than just his hair gel, and then Yaz tells Ben that Kenji was only worried about him. Soon people were just arguing with each other, except for me.

This again? (Sighs).

"Do you guys think it's worth arguing with each other right now? No one here is at fault for the Scorpius Rex being out there, and it's not anyone's fault that the sea is too rough at the moment. All we can do is think of a way to barricade the premotor fence" 

"Gabby's right, we need to barricade the fence"

"Maybe we could use some of the rubble to barricade the fence" Kenji suggested.

"Yeah. Maybe" replied Darius, sounding disappointed with Kenji.

We got to work and started putting random stuff up against the fence. Suddenly Brooklynn discovered that the car horn still has power, so we used it to make the fence electrical.

Ben went over to Bumpy to make sure she's OK but she ran off and soon after we heard a roar come from the jungle. We climbed up the ladder and found a place to hide.

Ben was hiding in the shower. Darius was hiding behind one of the handmade railings. Brooklynn, Kenji, and Yaz were hiding behind the table. Sammy and I were hiding behind the couch.

"Maybe it won't see us" says Sammy.

Suddenly it starts to rain, causing the fence to light up.

I was sitting there very still when we heard footsteps walking past the fence and then something hits the fence and roared. We got scared because we knew it was right outside the fence.

We quickly move, looking down at the dinosaur carefully and hoping that it doesn't see us. But it did. It stands on it's back legs and tilted it's head back before roaring.

"Aaaaaah!" I close my eyes, wishing it'll go away.

Seconds later, I open my eyes and saw there was nothing there.

"Where is it?" Darius asked.

"I don't see it!" Ben says.

We look around for the Scorpius Rex, we couldn't see it anywhere. Then I look behind Darius and there it was in the tree right next to our camp.

"Uhh... Guys? It can climb!"

Darius and the others turn to see what I can see, the Scorpius Rex in a tree. Suddenly it leaps off the tree and lands on our camp, we all scream and tried to make an escape.

I see Ben was hanging on to the edge and I run over to him to help him up but a large clawed hand comes down, knocking both Ben and I off the edge of our camp. Ben lands on the ground on his stomach while I land on my side facing Ben. Yaz and Kenji are also knocked off our camp by the Scorpius Rex.

Suddenly a tree nearby got struck by some lighting before catching on fire. Darius, Brooklynn, and Sammy notice the Scorpius Rex took it's attention off of them and was wanting to go towards the tree.

The three of them took this as an opportunity to escape, but it didn't last for long. Brooklynn and Darius managed to get away before the Scorpius Rex jumped off the camp. Unfortunately for Sammy, she got hit by the tail and was pushed to the side from the impact.

Ben and I quickly get to our feet and started running towards the fence, Ben suddenly stops inches away from the fence because he remembered it's electrified. We turn around and notice Kenji, Brooklynn, and Darius were with us.

The Scorpius Rex started walking towards us, Darius stood in front of us. Ben and I hold each other in our arms and I look away from the Scorpius Rex and shut my eyes, preparing to get eaten alive.

Suddenly we heard a noise coming from the distance. The Scorpius Rex perks up it's head and looks in the direction where the noise came from before jumping over the fence and running away. I turn my head to look at Ben and the others.

"Why did it leave?" Yaz asked, walking over to us.

"I don't know, maybe it heard something it wanted more than us?" Darius replied.

"Phew! That was a close one y'all" said Sammy.

We look at Sammy and saw that she has three quills sticking out of the side of her stomach "Sammy! Are you okay?" Darius asked. Sammy looks down and sees them before looking back up at us.

"I'm fine though. Really. I--"

Sammy suddenly faints and falls backwards onto the ground "SAMMY!" Everyone says, Ben and I let go of each other before running over to where Sammy was. We were all panicking. Sammy woke up just as was Brooklynn telling Yaz that the quills are poisonous so they're gonna have to take them out, which they did, Sammy winced in pain before falling unconscious again.

"Taking out the quills wasn't enough. The poison is already in her system, she needs an antidote" said Darius.

"Sorry to say this but it's not like we can go to the nearest drug store and get something" I replied.

"The video in Doctor Wu's lab! Doctor Wu got attacked by the Scorpius and then they gave him something like an antidote" said Brooklynn.

"Where is this lab?" Yaz asked, grabbing the map from Brooklynn.

"It's here, near the Raptor paddock" replied Brooklynn, pointing to where the lab is.

Yaz gives Brooklynn back the map "look after her while I'm gone" she said before running towards the gate "but, Yaz, the Scorpius went that way" Darius calls out to her. "I don't care what's out there! I'm saving her!" Yaz replied before leaving through the gate.

"This is nuts! She can't outrun that thing" said Ben.

"Okay, so what do we already know about this dinosaur?" Darius asked.

"That it's terrifying, climbs, and moves weird" replied Kenji, trying out his best impression of the Scorpius Rex.

"When that tree caught on fire, it didn't run from it, it went--" Darius cuts off Brooklynn.

"Towards it. That's how we're gonna clear a path for Yaz. Only ours is gonna be bigger, louder, and fierier"

"I'm in. I know the jungle better than anyone, also, bigger, louder, fierier, those are all my favourite words. Try to keep up"

Ben gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving, Darius follows shortly after. Leaving Brooklynn, Kenji, and I to look after Sammy.

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