Chapter 29: A New Island

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-Gabriella's POV-

We were about to go and find the Compy when Sammy stops us "oh, real quick guys. I know where in the middle of a dino chase but if I can get all of your info on Yaz's amazing drawing--" we run off to go look for the Compy.

We find the Compy chewing on some rope near the back of the boat, we approach it slowly, Darius holds the bucket Ben had earlier and tells us Ben to throw some berries to the Compy.

We were getting closer but then the boat shifts and we all fall over. We notice that the boat wasn't moving "uhh, guys, what's happening?" Ben asked. Kenji and Brooklynn come out and Kenji tells us that the propeller is jammed and that someone is gonna have to go under and check it out.

"Captain says we're stuck in a kelp forest. Where there's a kelp forest there's usually sharks" says Brooklynn.

"Sharks? I'll pass. There was this movie that really messed me up for life" said Yaz.

"I'll do it" said Darius.

Yaz ties the rope around the ladder as Darius ties the rope around his waist "you sure you're OK to go alone?" Yaz asked Darius. "I'll be fine. Just be ready to pull me up" Darius replied.

Darius takes off his shoes before getting in the water. Ben and Yaz hold the rope as Sammy and I stand nearby and watch. Darius dives under the water then comes up minutes after "the propeller was stuck, but I think I got it. Tell Kenji to turn on the engine and try going forward" said Darius.

Brooklynn goes to tell Kenji. Suddenly the boat starts up and we start moving forward "we're all clear" we hear Kenji yell. "Wahoo!" Darius yells from the water.

"Yeah! Alright!"

The boat then stops.

Brooklynn runs out "there's something in the water and it's heading this way" she says, Ben and Yaz try pulling on the rope to bring Darius back up but it doesn't budge. Sammy and I tried helping.

"Back up the boat!" I hear Brooklynn say to Kenji.

"It's not working!" Kenji replied.

Darius tries to swim towards the boat. Then we were informed that a shark was near "move in faster! The boats drifting!" Ben calls out to Darius. Ben kneels down and holds out his hand for Darius "hurry!" Brooklynn calls out. Darius was about to grab Ben's hand when something pulled him back.

"We gotta get him outta there!" I say.

"Is there another rope? Or something?" Ben asks.

Ben and I go to look for something but couldn't find anything useful then we go back to where Yaz and Sammy were. Suddenly we see the freaking mosasaurus come out of the water and ate the shark that was about to attack Darius.

"Is that the mosasaurus?" Ben asked.

"How did it get out here?" Sammy asked.

"We gotta Darius out. Now!" Yaz said.

Kenji slides down the ladder "Brooklynn, you stay at the wheel. The rest of you be ready to pull us up" said Kenji, then jumping into the water.

"Kenji, Kenji! Over here! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!"

Kenji dives under the water at the same time as Darius before seconds later they come back up to the surface. Kenji then dives under the water again to free Darius before returning to the surface.

We throw something out to them so they can hold onto it as we pulled them in, once Kenji and Darius were both safely on board. Ben calls out to Brooklynn.

"Brooklynn, get us out of here!"

The boat suddenly starts moving away from the area "you saved me" I hear Darius say to Kenji "course I saved you, we got each other's backs for life junior" replied Kenji.

"Now let's go before I have to save you again--"

Just then the boat shakes, almost as if we bumped into something or something bumped into us causing all of us to fall over. "It's the mosasaurus! It probably thinks we're a smaller mosasaurus" I suggested.

"Not helpful" replied Ben.

"Brooklynn, drive faster!" I here Kenji say to Brooklynn as he climbs up the ladder.

Suddenly the mosasaurus leaps out of the water and starts chewing on the boat, causing some of us to fall over again, Yaz runs over to where the mosasaurus is with an ore in here hands before whacking it.

"Try aiming for it's eye!" I suggested, yelling kinda.

"I'm trying--"

The mosasaurus moves and starts chewing on another part of the boat "I thought we were done with dinosaurs?" Yaz asked. Brooklynn climbs down the ladder and we run away as the mosasaurus takes another bite into the boat.

The boat turns to the left very hard, making us fall onto the wall. We manage to get to the other end of the boat. "I don't see it. Did it give up?" Darius asked.

Suddenly the mosasaurus knocks into the front right side of the boat making us fall over. By this time the boat is now leaning toward the left. I climb up before helping Ben up.

"Land!" Ben gasps.

The mosasaurus kept knocking into the boat hardly, we had no choice but to hold on, but the last big whack caused us to fall over. Seconds later the mosasaurus leaps out of the water and crashes onto our boat.

Then everything went black. The next time I woke up I noticed we were on sand. We somehow must have washed up here after the mosasaurus destroyed our boat.

I get up and looked around to see the others were close by.

"Is everyone OK?" Darius asked.

"I'm OK, now this has to be a dream" replied Sammy.

I cough a little before getting up to my feet. "This doesn't look like Costa Rica" said Brooklynn, suddenly the weather changes and now it's freezing cold and it's starting to thunder. I decided to put my sweater back on.

"Maybe we can take shelter in there?" Ben suggested, referring to the cave up ahead.

We walk closer to the cave "maybe we shouldn't go in there" said Sammy, sounding unsure "can't be worse than where we've been" replied Kenji.

"Only one way to find out" said Darius.

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