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The last thing he remembered was darkness and the pain of being slowly squished to death. The purple haired boy let out a scream of terror that awoke the sleepy other.

"Brother calm down it's not real. You are okay." A familiar voice Kokichi couldn't place at the moment called out to him removing the the virtual headset from Kokichi's head.

The lights of the hospital flooded Kokichi's scared purple eyes and he stared at his twin going big eyed and his breath caught in his throat for a moment.

"You were so cool. Your husband is still in the game though. I really wanted you two to work together and was rooting for you two to hook up. At least he spent time with you and your love hotel was interesting." The twin giggled as Kokichi tried to sort his head out as so many things came rushing back to him.

"Oh. Is patient O awake?" The nurse stepped in and quickly ran over to check on Kokichi who was trying to calm his breathing his eyes never left his twin's face.

"Oh look the nurse is here. That's good." The twin smiled as he sat back down in his chair next to Kokichi's bed and held his phone smiling at Kokichi as if he was the coolest person in the world, "Your story was beautiful and sad little brother. It moved me to tears. Hehe I'm so glad that it's fake." The twin explains.

"Please your over stimulating the patient." The nurse who had curly ginger hair dressed in a white nurse out fit scolded the twin.

"Oh sorry. I'll behave don't throw me out." The twin begged and frowned.

"Hmp. Just breath in and out Mr. Oma. Your memories should slowly come back to you. When your ready to proceed with your questions let me know." The nurse explains calmly.

"Husband..." Kokichi asked his twin.

"Oh not in front of the nurse Kokichi. I'll tell you later. Don't worry I have the wedding ring." Shindo whispered hugging his brother, "Oh my poor brother is so confused. I hope you get better soon." Shindo replied out loud as the nurse looks at them suspiciously.

Kokichi slowly nodded as he just laid there taking awhile to calm down as the phantom pain slowly vanished, "Shindo right?" Kokichi asked his twin.

"Ah you remember me! Yay! I'm so happy!" Shindo beamed smiling.

"You have the killing game on your phone?" Kokichi asked calmly.

"Oh yes. Would you like to watch?" Shindo hands his black and white monokuma themed phone over.

"Yes." Kokichi nodded and held the phone tightly.

"Sir. Your questions." The nurse complained.

"Later." Kokichi shooed her and she sighed and left the room.

"She's gone now..." Shindo smiled.

"My husband is Shuichi?" Kokichi whispered his eyes glued to the screen.

"Yes. You two married in secrete. I got to be the priest who wed you both. Hehe not even Tsumugi knew. It was a good day." Shindo smiled happily as he spoke in hushed tones.

"My friends... are alive and safe." Kokichi asked.

"Which ones the in real life or the ones in game? Yes and the people you hang out with from our school are okay as well. All is well brother." Shindo assures him, "No one actually dies in Danganronpa. It's the Ultimate Real Fiction." Shindo smiled.

Kokichi nodded as his brain was slowly putting the puzzle pieces back together, "Huh. I guess I was right than. It would of been better if we all died together." Kokichi explains not sure how he feels, "How long have I been in here?" Kokichi asked.

Danganronpa V3 (One Shots): Restoring HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now