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"So this is your new look huh?" Tsumugi looks him over nodding, "Isn't this one of the character concepts you gave me?" Tsumugi asked, "It totally is! I recognize it now! It's Kawachi the lonely! He devoted himself to the necromancy arts to keep his friends and family alive but they hate him for it and kill him in the end. You've definitely got a weird sense of ironic justice." Tsumugi beamed, "Are you cosplaying your character cause you didn't get to be in danganronpa? I really tried but we were at max capacity." Tsumugi explains.

"Nah. I just wanted to start over... I never really did things because I wanted to... I always following someone's orders... Kawachi was the first time I tried to do something I wanted do something that wasn't asked of me... I guess I wanted to take his appearance to help me change into that rebellious do whatever you want energy..." Shindo admits shyly.

"Oh! That's actually a pretty neat idea. But you know if you're not going to completely devote yourself to the role of the character than it's just wrong to cosplay as him. Cosplay is more about dressing up and becoming someone you desire. You are literally becoming that character. You need to put your whole heart and soul to being them!" Tsumugi lectured him.

"Well... I'll try okay." Shindo winced.

"No try! Just do it!" Tsumugi scolded him.

"There you are Tsumugi. Finally we found you." A bunch of voices spoke and Shindo dashes toward Tsumugi getting between them.

"If you're going to take your frustrations and anger out on Tsumugi for what she did to you than you'll have to face me! I'll use my all of my powers given to me to protect my friend!" Shindo cooly replied.

"Oh... my..." Tsumugi blushed a bit taken back by Shindo.

"Shindo is that you?" Rantaro blinked.

"Shindo? Ain't that supposed to be Kokichi's twin brother? He looks nothing like him!" Kaito explains.

"This man... everyone stay behind me! He's dangerous!" Maki ordered.

"Ah. Maki?!? Ah..." Shindo slowly relaxes and wasn't sure what to say to her.

"It's okay Maki. He might not look like it, but I recognize his voice anywhere. This is Shindo. Kokichi's twin brother." Rantaro explains and steps forward, "What you doing here Shindo? Why do you look like that?" Rantaro asked.

"I... I don't have anything else I need to be doing... so why can't I be here?" Shindo looks away feeling grumpy, "And I did this cause I wanted too... After all... At least this way I don't look just like my brother... that just causes him grief and I do not wish that." Shindo refused to look at Rantaro.

Rantaro just nodded as he crossed his arms, "Alright. No need to get defensive. I was just confused. We actually wanted to talk to Tsumugi for a bit. We promise not to hurt her." Rantaro explains.

"Ha! You think that even if I love you that I'll listen to an order like that! Tsumugi's family made me who I am today. I'll gladly die to protect miss Tsumugi but not her worthless parents!" There's a crazy look in Shindo's eyes.

"Shut up you twerp! Doesn't matter if you're Kokichi's twin! I can still knock you out!" Kaito growled.

"Kaito don't! He's like me!" Maki panicked.

"Actually Maki your the fake assassin here... but that's fine. As someone who actually had to hunt down and kill other talented people. I stopped caring about such details. Come at me! I'd love to see you try!" Shindo dares them.

Tsumugi is considering if she should run or not, "We can just talk without moving. I'll listen." Tsumugi sighed, "No need to go Jojo on me." She sighed.

Danganronpa V3 (One Shots): Restoring HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now