Finding Ourselves

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They arrived at Starbucks and talk to the manager who agrees to let Shuichi work there and keep his regular hours. Kokichi even asks the manger if he can show Shuichi what he used to do and the manager agreed so long as they didn't get in the workers way.

Kokichi than explained everything he remembers about what exactly Shuichi does to work here as Shuichi listened intensely nodding from time to time. Kokichi even suggest they can watch the workers closely to help Shuichi recall working here.

Shuichi smiled and they got their drinks and sat there talking a bit more while watching the others employees work hard.

"So... Kaito is like your little henchmen tough guy body guard. He used to be a delinquent but you somehow managed to take him under you wing so that way he was our body guard... I'm not sure how he's going to react now with everything that happened.... Rantaro seems like he might be the same but maybe cause he died first... I'm not sure." Kokichi sighed.

"It was weird seeing everyone when they came to see me at the hospital... They had to greet us survivors and I don't know... they were definitely different and they didn't talk much about their in game memories." Shuichi explains.

"Well the first thing they probably remembered is dying like I did. And than you got your old memories and the time in the death game conflicting with you and it's a strange situation... They'll figure it out in time." Kokichi assured him.

"True true." Shuichi still felt worried about them as he drank some of his coffee and winced, "Bleck I drank this?" He made a face and Kokichi bursted into laughter.

"What can I say you liked it black like your soul nehehehe just kidding love you." Kokichi offers his coffee to Shuichi.

Shuichi tried it and smiles, "This is better thanks." He looks at Kokichi smiling.

"You'd always steal my drink anyways and drink it slowly in front of me making me watch... not going a lie... was kinda hot." Kokichi blushed.

"Why would I do that? That seems rude." Shuichi blinked confused.

"Because I drank from it first." Kokichi hummed.

"I still don't understand..." Shuichi explains confused.

"Well it's cause you'd be drinking my saliva... you once said... tastes like you with a cheeky smile and I nearly died. I might of gotten into the habit of backwashing my drink oh but I didn't do that this time!" Kokichi turns red.

"Ew." Shuichi blushed feeling disgusted by that.

"Well I'm sorry." Kokichi looks away pouting.

"It's okay. I'm sure we've done weird things as lovers in the past." Shuichi sighed.

"Mmmhmmm." Kokichi nodded closing his eyes and smiling.

"So... judging by those pictures I have... we were... uh intimate with each other huh?" Shuichi blushed.

"You and I were our first...." Kokichi opens his eyes nodding, "And uh... we were both freaky in bed." Kokichi blushes shyly.

"Yeah so I've heard from your brother...." Shuichi winced.

"Yeah brother watch us and film us under your orders. I don't know why you into it... but I guess I just got used to it... I hardly knew he was there anymore." Kokichi blushes a lot.

"So... it's safe to say I'm not a virgin huh..." Shuichi turns even redder.

"Oh yeah... you did kinda have those vibes in the game. Hahaha. That's hilarious. Well. You can at least believe you are since you don't remember." Kokichi hummed, "For me it's precious memory I'll never forget." Kokichi smiles happily.

Danganronpa V3 (One Shots): Restoring HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now