Our Reality

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Shindo finished cleaning the room and sighed as he looked at the clock. Kokichi would probably be gone for a long time, but he should be safe with Shuichi right? He wasn't sure what the right call was here as the brother. Shindo could go try to find Rantaro and ask him about the duties of being a brother, but Shindo didn't want to deal with that right now.

He couldn't imagine telling Rantaro he was leaving him. Shindo really did love him. Not just cause Rantaro is a celebrity either. It was actually a stupidly nice reason why he liked Rantaro. He liked Rantaro's fierce protective nature over those he cares about. He admired that part of Rantaro and perhaps in a weird way hopes Rantaro could become his white knight to fend off any baddies that dare try to hurt Shindo.

Nishi was too cold and to upfront about just wanting Shindo for his body. Hirose is too innocent and naive. He only knows cars and struggles with everything else. Shuichi who belonged to Kokichi would of been a pretty decent pick, expect the guy scares even Shindo at times with his weird obsession and fetish. Besides Shuichi wasn't into sharing Kokichi with anyone else and Kokichi didn't want to share Shuichi. Shindo respected that. It felt wrong to impose himself on that kind of relationship and despite this Shuichi definitely enjoyed dragging Shindo and Rantaro around with them on double dates.

Shindo slowly stopped in front of a mirror and stares at himself for a moment, "You only see me as my brother...." Shindo frowns and felt pissed by that fact.

"But I don't have to look like him." Shindo thinks and realizes and he knew what he was going to do as he headed into town.

Shindo walked out of the clothing store which was the last place he needed to visit, "Ah... colored contacts hurt." He winced but decided to bear it.

"I wonder what my friends would say about my new look. They'd totally flip out hahaha." Shindo laughed, "I look more like a necromancer... I guess I'm showing off my cult like talent now with this look." Shindo slightly joked looking at himself in a mirror.

He had cut his hair to give himself ego bang and dyed it sand blonde, his contacts were supposed to be grey but it kinda had a purple hue to it from his real eye color, and he wore a black cloak with a skeleton outline on it.

"Maybe I should go chocker and spikey wrist bands. Yeah... I can see that." Shindo gushed, "Oh but I need to save up my money how sad. I guess I'll head to my church and try working there that's if they'll even recognize me." Shindo heads to his church.

As Shindo predicted no one knew who he was, but the church still let him work there. No one tried hitting on him either which was a very weird experience that nearly gave him a panic attack.

"Are you alright?" Akamine greeted him probably noticing him on a verge of a panic attack as he cletched his chest.

"No one is hitting on me. I am unwanted." Shindo felt like crying.

"Shindo?" Akamine recognizes his voice.

"Yeah it's me. I decided to change my appearance but I think I might of been a bit to drastic...." Shindo rubbed the back of his head wincing.

"Perhaps a bit..." Akamine agreed and signal the other to group up to greet Shindo, "Everyone Shindo has returned." She explains to them.

"There's no way this creep is our cute little prince!" Noya cried in horror.

"Ow. Geez. I know your a stylist but don't you think you're being a bit too harsh.... I thought this was kinda cool." Shindo felt like crying.

"Well if I'm being honest..." Noya looks him over, "You look very fit to be a necromancer. It works but not for a well loved priest." Noya sighed.

Danganronpa V3 (One Shots): Restoring HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now