Investigation of the Past

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Shuichi was the first one to awake and finds Kokichi had rolled over and snuggled him in his sleep. He tensed and thought about shoving Kokichi off him, but it's not like Kokichi was doing it on purpose. Plus there was a question lingering in Shuichi's head that made his stomach do back flips.

If they are both married. Why do they live together. The obvious answer scared Shuichi the most, but it would explain the living situation and the one bed. Shuichi turns red as he begins to wonder just how close he used to be to Kokichi in the past.

Plus, this Kokichi was very strange. Nothing like the other Kokichi from the game. Than again all that Kokichi did was lie and tried to do things on his own without help. That Kokichi helped him solve the truth of the game and put an end to it, but...

There was another truth Shuichi could only discover once he woke up. No one truly died in Danganronpa just their characters. Tsumugi was right about them being fiction. Yet, Shuichi had brought his fictional self to the real world.

He rejected his past self. The self he was supposed to return to being when he woke up. Could he truly be bound by the decisions of his past? Or could he just start a new life? There were to many questions to answer and no single answer to them.

Right now, Shuichi couldn't help but relax in Kokichi's arms. He wanted something familiar to him and even if the situation wasn't at least Kokichi was kinda. Maybe that liar was still inside Kokichi somewhere. Shuichi wanted to find him.

Kokichi woke up and saw Shuichi and snuggled him close for a moment enjoying his presence, before he suddenly remembered the situation and slowly let's go and turned around to bite back his sadness.

"Kokichi you awake?" Shuichi asked and Kokichi refused to let him know he's awake, "Come Kokichi get up. You need to answer my questions." Shuichi shakes him.

"Stop," Kokichi gently swats at Shuichi's arms, "Not before breakfast unless you want me to kill you." Kokichi explains pretending to be grumpy as throws the blankets off them.

Shuichi seems to be in shock as he tries to read Kokichi who gets up and keeps moving, "I never thought I'd be trying to be a liar or pretending to act a certain way. I know I'm not good, but Imma try anyways." Kokichi thinks a bit gloomy as he opens the fridge and starts making a sandwich.

"Kokichi!?! Is that you?!?" Shuichi asked almost hopefully as he rushes over to watch Kokichi closely and observe him.

"Yup that's my name. Kokichi Oma don't wear it out." Kokichi smiled a bit at his sassy remark as he made the sandwich and hands it to Shuichi, "For you Shumai." He explains softly.

Shuichi takes the sandwich still watching Kokichi in confusion and hope, "Well don't stand there eat it. We've got lots to do today. Like getting to our old jobs and if we don't visit Kaito he's going to come into the house and break the door down again." Kokichi explains not looking Shuichi in the eyes as he shyly smiles.

"Are you trying to act like the Kokichi from the game to help me cope?" Shuichi smiled softly.

"Well I am him. No one else can be him," Kokichi corrected Shuichi, "Oh there is one person actually... ugh...." Kokichi groaned when heard the door being knocked on.

Shuichi looks at Kokichi confused, "Speak of the devil." Kokichi heads to the door and looks at Shuichi as he put his hand on the door knob, "Shuichi allow me to introduce you again to my twin Shindo." Kokichi throws open the door and it's Rantaro and Kokichi slams the door in his face.

"God dam it Rantaro! It's always you or Kaito I swear!" Kokichi shouted and turns red as he looks at Shuichi shyly, "Ahem." Kokichi opens the door after composing himself and looking dead inside, "What you want Amami chan?" Kokichi asked blankly.

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