Piecing Up the Pieces

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Shuichi was watching the twins who were both rather calm and very wise. He tried to imagine their lives being aware something is wrong with themselves and others and yet not understanding what that thing is.

He could almost understand Kokichi perfectly with the bits and pieces of information given to him now. Kokichi was attention seeking and drawn to the wrong crowds, because of peer pressure. Because he was aware of that strange feeling that something was wrong he could act on that feeling better than others.

Yeah everything was slowly starting to piece together and make sense to Shuichi. He just had a few more questions for them.

"So what about Hope's Peak Academy does it exist and are we students?" Shuichi asked.

"Yes and you are now," Shindo was the first to answer, "See... Hope's Peak Academy history is all true... society was destroyed and than rebuilt by the New Future Foundation and The Newly UnDespaired Despairs. What was left out of the game is that the Future Foundation hunted down the Ultimate Despairs. It was Makoto who managed to convince the Despairs to come with him. They were than put through The Neo World Program in an attempt to restore them to their original states before despair." Shindo stated.

"But the Despairs were aware of this and in honor of their Despair Queen infected the program with a death game virus so they could take part in a death game. This game would decide if their past selves can go back to their despair selves or stay in the game to protect the world. But there was so many twists and turns! Makoto wrote that the Alter Ego was the virus put into the game and had the personality of the Despair Queen herself. The virus was going to let the despair go but upload it's memories of Despair Queen into their bodies instead of their own memories. It looked like a losing battle, but than! Boom! They decided to graduate and repeat. By pressing both buttons they could leave and keep their memories they had in the killing game." Shindo was breathing heavily and his face turned red making Shuichi go wide eyed.

"Calm yourself. You're getting too excited and scaring him." Kokichi sighed.

"Oh sorry." Shindo winced and smiled softly.

"Ahem. I'll continue where he left off. So the despair had to go back to the real world with both memories of their time as despair and their time in the killing game bard of their memories from before their despair. They managed to rescue Makoto from a nasty scandal that involved the future foundation having its members infected by despair and trying to kill their own members of with Makoto and his gang in the killing game with them. That's when the ultimate animator decided he's had enough of despair and uploaded his pure hope video to the world to see." Kokichi sighed.

"Though the despair stopped him from brainwashing the entire world. With only a minute left about a ninety percent of the world's population became brainwashed by the Hope Video. Makoto rebuilt Hope's Peak Academy and is currently the headmaster with his girlfriend." Shindo gushed smiling.

"While the ultimate despairs have taken the real Jabberwock as their base and seemingly vanished from the face of the earth but a scary reminder that despair will continue to exist because otherwise it be too boring." Kokichi explains.

"Since than there has been multiple attempts of gangs trying to recreate the death games and show them to the world, but hope would always prevail." Shindo hummed.

"That's until Shindo's church..." Kokichi sighed.

"My church decided that talent itself causes despair thus they went on a crusade known as the ultimate hunt lead by none other than Tsumugi's family and Angie's cult along with a few other cults." Shindo explains humming.

"The future foundation who had a talented leader fought with the church constantly being at odds with them. However hope prevailed once again." Kokichi explains.

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