Saving Tsumugi

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They found Kaito heading back to Maki's place in frustration after losing Tsumugi, "Kaito! Maki!" Shuichi ran over to them and paused not sure how to deal with Maki.

"Shuichi.... Wait your not the old Shuichi... your that wimpy Shuichi from the game." Kaito sighed.

"Kaito... Shuichi's your friend." Maki sighed.

"Hi Maki." Kokichi shyly hides behind Shuichi as she gives him a death glare and he winced.

"Imma head to the church later." Nishi leaves.

"I should go to. Good luck you guys." Shindo sighed.

"Rantaro go with Shindo." Shuichi softly orders.

"Hmmm... alright but only cause I want to not cause your ordering me too." Rantaro shrugged and follows Shindo.

"Everyone let's stay calm now. I get it. We're all confused right now. But if you try hurting Tsumugi than the future foundation will arrest or even kill you. You're my friends. I don't want that." Shuichi calmly explained.

"True I didn't think of that." Maki winced.

"Whatever! I can't believe your soft now!" Kaito gets in Shuichi's face as he remains calm.

"Kaito.... What makes you think I haven't regained my memories? Because I'm not ordering you around? Cause I'm not throwing punches? I don't think Maki like that too much if I were to try that. Besides... is that really what you want? Is the feelings and memories of Kaito from the death game nothing to you?" Shuichi asked.

"Smooth as always." Kokichi thinks snuggling Shuichi.

"This isn't about me!" Kaito snaps back and Shuichi gently touched his shoulders.

"You've lived a harsh life. When your father died saving you from a flood you hated yourself. Than your mom was killed at work when she fell from a latter. You lived with your grandparents, but you literally had to watch them slowly rot to death from old age. You hate everyone and everything. Because your sad and in pain. It's easier to hurt other to make that pain feel so much less in comparison but it's not what makes you happy. We know that." Shuichi hummed, "You would get so pumped up when I told you to punch some creep trying to stalk Shindo or Kokichi and you and Rantaro would wrestle for the fun of it." Shuichi chuckled a bit.

"You... you really remember." Kaito softens up and look relieved.

"Yes I haven't left you yet my good friend. So let's rethink this plan a bit so the future foundation doesn't come taking you away from me." Shuichi hummed.

Kaito nodded slowly as Maki looks at them both, "I'm glad you remembered your past. I wish I remembered mine... but why you with this traitor?" Maki glared at Kokichi.

"Oma is Shuichi's boy toy." Kaito put plainly making Maki go red.

"Ahem... Kokichi and I are trying to refigure out our current relationship... however I'm starting to believe that I shouldn't blame him for his in game actions. As you can see with Kaito... they clearly aren't exactly like their game selves. Though they do have their memories... we will have to work with everyone and get to know them again and perhaps help them understand who they want to be now." Shuichi explains calmly.

"I see... I get that." Maki sighed and nodded looking at Kaito worriedly.

"So... what now... I don't know what to do..." Kaito looks so lost.

"Well let's talk about this at my place. It's going to be a long discussion." Shuichi sighed and they nodded.

Kokichi clings to Shuichi shyly flinching a bit when Maki looks at him and looks away sighing.

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