Chapter 30.

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*So, this chapter is a pretty sad one. If you're a emotional person.. (like me) I'd have some tissues with me. I hope you all like it :)*

I've been on tour with Hunter for 7 days now, watching him play was awesome. I would Skype Taylor every night, to see how my baby was doing. And I'd also call my dad every night before bed. We got to the point where we can say "I love you" and actually mean it. I've also called my mom, but I call her every Sunday. It's been so much fun, watching him play and actually meeting some fans too.

It was just a normal Wednesday morning. I actually woke up with a sore throat, but that didn't bother me. I was laying on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, flipping through channels. Matt and Sam were sitting on the other side of the bus, telling my some funny stories about being on tour. Hunter walked out of the back room, closing the door behind him. He smiled down at me while walking past us.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, opening up the fridge, getting two bottles of water out. I smiled.

"Ok." I told him. My attention came to "Reba" on TV and I stopped searching.

"Well, I have a interview.. So I gotta head out." he told us. I looked up at him.

"Wheres it at?" I asked him. He picked up his guitar case.

"Um.. Some big office in Charleston. I can drive from here and be there in like.. 10 minutes." he told me, swinging his keys on his finger. I shrugged, looking back at the TV. He laughed, walking up to me and kissed my head. "I'll be back around 2:30 and we can go to lunch before rehearsal." he told me. I nodded, smiling up at him as he left the bus, closing the door behind him.

•Hunters P.O.V•

I pulled into the office building, looking up in awe. It was huge. I walked in through doors, sliding the keys into my pocket. I walked up to the desk, seeing a woman in blue with bright red hair, greeting me.

"Floor 57." she told me. I thanked her, walking towards the elevator. I pressed 57seeing their was 60 floors in this place. It was an amazing view when the doors opened. I walked into the radio office, greeting the man. We started talking for awhile. He asked me to play "Faith To Fall Back On." In the middle of the song, their was a really loud boom. I stopped and looked at the man, who had pure shock on his face. I set my guitar down. He stood up slowly, walking towards the door. He opened the door, seeing a couple people in the hallway. He started talking with them, to figure out what had just happened. A couple seconds later, a woman flew open her door and started yelling. "A tractor trailer truck.. It just rammed into the building.. It has chemicals and bad things inside so please stay calm and don't panic.." I stopped in my tracks. I stopped thinking. This was just like September 11, 2001. What if it was another terrorist attack. I instantly pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts when her face popped up. I hit dial and waited for her to answer.

•Isabelle's P.O.V.•

I was talking to Matt about how much I love Florida Georgia Line. And how much I really wanna see them in concert. I started dramatically singing the song for them.

"BABY YOU A SONGG, YOU MAKE ME WANNA ROLL MY WINDOWS DOWN AND CRUUUISSSSE." I started laughing at how horrible I sounded and the faces they were giving me.

"Do you sing like that to Hunter..?" Matt asked, laughing. I laughed and nodded.

"Oh all the time.. I mean that's what he gets when he marries someone who can't sing well... And loves country music." I told them.

"But you can sing well, you just choose not too because it's funny." Sam said. I laughed, nodding.

"Ok, maybe that's true." I told them. They laughed.

"You sure like to laugh." Matt told me. Like I didn't know this. I smiled, turning my attention back to the TV. Matt and Sam started talking about some kind of bass guitar when I picked up my remote again. I went through a couple channels, but they were all boring. Finally.. The news caught my eye. It was a helicopter view from a really tall building. There were cops and ambulances everywhere. At first I didn't know what was going on... Untill I saw the tractor trailer truck crashed into the side of the building. I listened to the woman.

"About a couple minutes ago, this tractor trailor truck carrying unknown chemicals crashed into the side of the building. It seems from the 5th floor and up, that everyone's trapped. 7 people were already pronounced dead. What we don't know is who the driver was, what chemicals are in the truck, and how it crashed.." she kept talking. I didn't listen. Then it hit me.

"No." I said, throwing my blanket up so I could get up. I felt my face get warm.

"What?.." Matt asked. I ran to the back of the bus and flew open the door. The tears started falling down my cheeks, because I just knew.

"No.. Please God.. Oh please.." I said, while I dug through my purse to find my phone. It started ringing right when I picked up. His face lite up under his contact, and that's when I just let go. I just cried before answering. I heard Sam get up and rush back here to be by my side. I finally had the courage to answer.

•Hunters P.O.V•

"Hello.." her faint voice came through. The chemicals were just starting to reach our floor, because it smelled bad and there was faint white smoke everywhere. I could tell she was crying.

"Isabelle, I'm ok.. Stop crying." I told her. I quickly ripped my sweatshirt off and sat under it, to keep as much clean air with me. She started crying even more.

"Yea, you're fine now.. But you won't be soon!" she cried. I tried to stay calm, but the phone line was getting scratchy.

"Listen. I'm staying on this phone as long as I can.. Ok. So I'm not going anywhere any time soon." I told her. She sniffled.

"Ok.." she said very hesitant. The air around me was getting really thick, and I knew it was just a matter of time before I could breath or the building would collapse. I coughed.

"Isabelle.. I'm not gonna lie with you. But the air is really thick, and Im wrapped in my sweatshirt, but it's hard to breath. I just want to tell you that I love you with all of my heart. You've been my #1 fan and the best wife that I could ever ask for. If I don't make it out here, tell Car that I always loved him and that I'll see him someday. And Belle, I love you. I love you now, and I will never stop loving you.. Ok. I'll wait for you at the gate of heaven, just like we promised. I love you SOOO much Belly. Thank you." I told her. She was sobbing so hard I could hear her through the phone. I started coughing more when she finally spoke up.

"No hunter, you're not leaving. I love

you too sooo much, but you're not leaving me.. You can't leave me.. This isn't happening." the line started going when I finally told her.

"The lines going.. I love you... And ill see you soon.. Ok?" I told her.

"I love you Hun-" and that was all I heard. The line went and I was left to cry by myself. My eyes started to burn and the floor started shaking. I closed my eyes, and in a matter of seconds... My world went black.

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