The return

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Lucy POV

It has been 3 years since we left Narnia. My brothers have a hard time getting used to England but for Susan, she's getting the hang of it. Peter is struggling the most because he admitted to us last month it's hard for him especially leaving Y/n behind. Right now Peter is getting into loads of fights while Edmund joins him. I was crossing the road to get Susan but a car almost hit me. "Be careful next time loves!" The man exclaimed. "Sorry!" I replied. When I saw Susan, she was talking to some random guy. I assume she's annoyed. "Susan!" I yelled as she turned around. "You better come quickly!" I added then I grabbed her.

Susan POV

Lucy brought me to the train station. When we got there, I heard the children shouting "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" I saw Peter in a fight again. Suddenly Edmund joins in AGAIN! I swear these boys are SO IMMATURE! "Edmund!" Lucy shouted. Some militaries came and broke the fight. "Act your age!" He scolded them while holding on Peter. We then sat down the chairs except for Peter. "You're welcome." Edmund stated. "I had it sorted." Peter replied to Edmund. "What was it this time?" I asked. "He bumped me." He answered. "So you hit him?" Lucy questioned. "No. After he bumped me, he asked me to apologized and that's when I hit him." Couldn't he just walk away. "Isn't it difficult to just walk away." I asked him. "I shouldn't have to. Aren't you tired of being treated like a kid?" He asked. "Um.. We are kids." Edmund told him. "Well I wasn't always. It's been 2 years now... How long does he expect us to wait?" Peter was probably talking about Narnia again. "We should accept the fact that we live here and not there." I answered Peter. I know it hurts him to leave behind the place he loves but he has to accept that fact. When I turned around, I saw the boy who keeps on talking to me at the newspaper booth. "Oh no, pretend you're talking to me." I told them. "We are talking to you." Edmund told me. "Ow!" Lucy screamed. "Quiet Lu!" I told her, "Someone pinched me!" Lucy added. "Hey stop pulling!" Peter shouted at Edmund, "What I'm not touching you!" Edmund replied. "Feels like magic!" Lucy stated then the train moved faster. "Quickly! Hold hands!" I told them. "I'm not holding your hand!" Edmund answered. We saw the tiles leaving its place revealing beach behind. "Peter do you think we're back in Narnia!" Lucy asked. "It could be anywhere Lu." He answered. Me and Lucy looked at eachother. "Last one to the sea is a rotten egg!" I shouted as me and Lucy ran to the waters. Edmund and Peter followed us behind. We all took off our socks, shoes, jackets. We were splashing eachother with water. Edmund started staring at some ruins and asked Peter, "Where are we?" "Where do you think are we?" Peter replied. "Well I don't remember any ruins in Narnia." Edmund answered.

Third POV

The Pevensies walk up a hill and explored the ruins. "I wonder who lived there." Lucy stated. "I think we did." Susan replied while holding a golden chess set. "Hey that's my golden chess set." Edmund told Susan. "What chess set?" Peter asked. "Well I didn't have a golden chess in Finchley didn't I?" He replied to his older brother. "Don't you see?" Lucy asked them. "Imagine walls." She stated while arranging them on their throne order. "And columns." Lucy added. "Cair Paravel." Peter said. "But how could this happen?" Susan asked. "Catapults." Edmund stated. "This didn't just happen, Cair Paravel was attacked." He added. "I think it's time we find out what happened." Peter remarked. Peter found the door to the treasure room of Cair Paravel and managed to open it. "I suppose you have any matches do you?" Peter asked while tearing a part of his uniform Edmund. "No, but this would help." Edmund replied as he hands our his torch. "You might have mentioned that a bit sooner!" Peter exclaimed as they all laugh. Edmund lighted up the room with his torch as Lucy, Susan and Peter follow behind. "I can't believe it's still here." Lucy grabbed one of her favorite dresses and checked if it still fits her. "I was taller." Lucy said. "You were older then." Susan replied. "As supposed hundreds of years when we're younger." Edmund joked, Susan then started looking for something. "What's wrong?" Lucy asked. "My horn, I must have left it on my way back." Susan answered her sister. Peter then walked to his chest and took out his sword and recited a quote. "When Aslan bares his teeth, winter meets its death." "And when he shakes his name we shall have spring again!" Lucy finished. "All that we knew, Mr Beavers, Mr Tumnus and Y/n are all gone." Lucy stated. "I think it's time we find out what's wrong." Peter told them.


I was living in the forest with the other Narnians since the Telnarines invaded us. I started losing hope that Narnia will become freed again and Peter won't return. Peter probably moved on already I thought. I would stare at my engagement ring everyday to remind me of his promise. If Peter comes back, will he be able to keep his promise? I only had a little hope left. Right now, the Narnians and I along with Prince Caspian X walking in the woods to avoid Telmarine soldiers.

I was staying in Trufflehunter's place when I heard something outside. I grabbed my bow and arrows and ran outside along with Nikabrik and Trumpkin. We saw a Telmarine soldier on the ground, he looked around like 19 years old. The Telmarine had dark brown hair that's shoulder length I think and brown eyes. When I looked to the left, more soldiers are coming. "Take care of him." Trumpkin stated. I started shooting some guards then unsheated my sword and killed them.

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Your weapons The other guards then shouted retreat

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Your weapons
The other guards then shouted retreat. I turned around and saw the Telmarine guy grabbing Susan's horn. "No stop!" Nikabrik yelled but he still blew it then I hit his head with a rock. Nikabrik brought the Telmarine boy inside and I helped him. Trufflehunter then bandaged his head. Later, we were discussing about him, Nikarbrik keeps on complaining why we didn't kill him but Trufflehunter said they would be like murdering a guest then I saw the Telmarine is already awake. Nikabrik unsheated his sword while the boy took something to defend himself "Stop it both of you!" I yelled. "I told you we should have killed him when we had the chance!" Nikabrik yelled. "You know why we can't." Trufflehunter told him. "We can't let him go! He's seen us!" Nikabrik stated. "That's enough Nikabrik or do Trufflehunter have to sit on your head again?!" I told him. "And look at what you made me do. I spent half the morning on that soup." Truffle hunter said. "What are you?" The Telmarine asked Trufflehunter.  "You know it's funny that you would ask that. You think people would know a badger when they saw one." Truffle hunter told him. "No no. I mean.... you're narnians. You're supposed to be extinct." The Telmarine told Trufflehunter. "And I suppose you're a Telmarine." He told me. "I'm actually a Narnian. Queen Y/n." I stated. "You mean one of the kings and queens of old?" He asked me. "Yes." I answered him. "Sorry to disappoint you. Here you go, still hot." Trufflehunter gave the Telmarine soldier the soup he made. "Since when did we open a boarding house for Telmarine soldiers?" Nikabrik asked. "I'm not a soldier. I'm Prince Caspian. The tenth." He replied. I should've known he was, I kept on thinking he's a Telmarine soldier. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "Running away. My uncle had always wanted my throne. I suppose I have only lived this long because he didn't have an heir of his own." Caspian answered. " Well the things changes." I stated. "Yeah." He replied. "Means we don't have to kill you ourselves." Nikabrik told him which caused me to glare at him. "You're right." Caspian answered then he grabbed his stuff and tried to get out. "Where are you going?" Trufflehunter asked him. "My uncle won't stop until I am dead." He stated. "But you can't leave. You're meant to save us." Trufflehunter told Caspian. Then I took Susan's horn and asked Caspian "Don't you know what this is?" "What?" He replied. "It's Queen Susan's horn." I answered him.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter everyone. :)

Your promise 《Book 2》( Peter Pevensie x Female Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now