The clash of leaders

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We all were traveling in the woods heading to the place we so call our fortress. Before we entered, the centaurs came to the sideways lifting their swords in the air. First to enter was the kings and queens of old which was us, lastly came Caspian. When we entered, many Narnians are working to prepare for war. "It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible." Caspian explained. Susan came to us, "Peter. You may want to see this." She said. When we go there, the wall was full of paintings. From when I met Lucy to our Coronation day. "It's us. Do you guys remember?" I asked them while I'm holding onto Peter's arm. "What is this place?" Peter asked. "You guys don't know, do you?" I questioned them. The Pevensie siblings shook their head. Caspian and I look at eachother then we nodded.

Caspian grabbed a torch and we led them in a room. He lit up the room and the light revealed a carving of Aslan on the wall and the stone table where Aslan was killed. "He must know what he is doing." Lucy stated. "I think it's up to us now." Peter said.

Peter called everyone in the room to discuss about the Telmarines. "It's only a matter of time. Miraz's men and war machines are on their way." Peter explained. "That means those same men aren't protecting his castle." He added. "What do you propose we do. Your majesty?" Reepicheep ask.

"We need to get ready for it."

"To start planning for..."

Caspian and Peter announced at the same time. I'm a bit worried because there might be some rivalry between them. Caspian nodded telling Peter he may speak. "Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us." I'm a bit shocked at Peter's suggestion. "That's crazy. No one has taken that castle." Caspian complained. "There's always a first time." Peter responded. "We'll have the element of surprise." Trumpkin said. "But we have the advantage here." Peter added. Susan walked towards Caspian and she spoke up; "If we dig in. We could probably hold them off indefinitely." She said as she and Caspian looked at eachother. "I for one feel safer underground." Trufflehunter stated. "Look I appreciated what you've done here but, this isn't a fortress. It's a tomb." Peter explained. "Yes. And if they're smart the Telnarines will just starve us out." Edmund spoke up. "We could collect nuts!" A squirrel exclaimed. "Yes! And throw them at the Telmarines. Shut up!" Reepicheep responded. "I think you know where I stand sire." Reepicheep added. "If I can get your troops in can you handle the guards?" Peter asked Glenstorm. "Or die trying my liege." Glenstorm answered Pete. "That's what I'm worried about." Lucy spoke up. "Sorry?" Peter answered. "You're all acting like there's only two options. Dying here, or dying there." Lucy explained. "I'm sure you've been listening." Peter told her. "No you're not listening! Have you forgotten who defeated the White Witch?" Lucy scolded her brother. Hopefully Peter will listen to Lucy. "I think we've waited for Aslan long enough." Pete answered. He the storm out of the hiw. I followed him outside. "Pete! Where are you?" I yelled. I saw him outside. "There you are." I said, as he saw me he pecked my forehead. "What was that?" I asked but, he just ignored it. We were silent for a few moments and he finally spoke up. "I'm sorry for leaving you and the Narnians behind. We didn't mean to leave." "I understand it's not your fault." I told him. "We should get prepared now." I told him.

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