Aslan's return

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Susan POV

I got down the horse and Y/n wrapped her arms around me. "I'm glad you're safe. " Share said. "Me too. " I replied. Peter came and asked; "Lucy?" If only Lucy left her healing cordial here she could help Peter. "She got through with a little help." I answered. "Thanks." Peter told Caspian. "Well, you were busy. " Caspian replied. "You better get up there just in case. I don't expect the Telmarines to keep their word." Peter told me. I hugged him to make him feel better. "Sorry." I said. "It's alright." He replies. I then went into the how and joined the other archers.


I kissed Peter's cheek and told him; "I believe you could do this. Just keep smiling Pete." He raised up his sword showing the Narnians he haven't gave up yet. They started cheering for him. Peter sat down on a rock and Caspian took his shield away. "Ow." Peter yelped. I wanted to go into the how so I won't see the pain he is experiencing but he needs me. I put my hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down. "I think it's dislocated." Peter said. Edmund took Caspian's place and started treating Peter's injury. "What do you think happens back home if you die here?" Edmund asked him. "You know you've always been here and I never really- Ahh!" Peter's sentence was cut off when Edmund tried twisting his arm to put it in a better position. "Save it for later." I told him. I gave Peter back his sword and Edmund tried to give him the helmet but Peter refuses to wear it.

Miraz started hitting Peter with the shield and I closed my eyes as I started squeezing my arms. Peter tried hitting Miraz with the sword but Miraz defended himself with shield. Peter tried attacking again but Miraz dodged it. Miraz twirled around and pushes Peter to the rock with his shield. "Pete!" I whispered to myself. Peter fell on the ground then Miraz tried to hit him but Peter rolled over and Miraz tripped again. Peter sat up and hit Miraz but he protected himself with the shield and rolled over. Miraz got up to his feet and Peter does too. Miraz started attacking and their swords started clashing. Peter swinged his sword and Miraz lost grip on his sword and Peter started hitting Miraz but Miraz defended himself with his shield. Peter tried to pass his sword through Miraz's arm but Miraz started slapping him on the face then hit him with the shield. He tried hitting Peter with the shield but Peter hold onto his shield and twisted Miraz's arm around. Miraz hit Peter with his elbow and Peter let go. I noticed Peter lost his sword then Miraz pushed Peter to the rock. Miraz tried hitting Peter but instead hit the rock when Peter dodged it. He attacked Peter again but Peter hit the sword with his shield and started slapping Miraz. Peter hit Miraz's leg and he groaned in pain. "Respite. Respite." Miraz begged. Peter then stopped attacking him. "Now's not the time for chivalry Peter!" Edmund shouted. "The Narnians started shouting to show no mercy to Miraz.

Peter started walking away but Miraz stood up and grabbed his sword. He started trying to hit Peter but Edmund and I yelled;
"Look out!" Peter started dodging his attacks and took hold of the sword and twisted it around. Miraz turned around and tried attacking Peter again but he cut Miraz through the arm with the sword then he fell on his knees.

Peter was holding out his sword not wanting to kill Miraz. "What's the matter boy? Too cowardly to take a life?" Miraz mocked him. "It's not mine to take." Peter answered looking at Caspian telling him that he should be the one to make the decision. Caspian took the sword from his hand and pointed it Miraz. "Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you do have the makings of a Telmarine king after all." I heard Miraz told Caspian. Caspian yelled when it was time to kill Miraz but instead, he pointed the sword to the ground. "Not one like you. Keep your life. But I am giving the Narnians back their kingdom." Caspian said. The Narnians started cheering then Caspian walked back to us. I noticed Susan from afar looking very proud of him. We were all cheering and I wrapped my arms around Peter. "I knew you could do it." I told him.

Your promise 《Book 2》( Peter Pevensie x Female Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now