Attack at the Telmarine castle

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I entered the how and dressed into my amour and fixed my hair.

I entered the how and dressed into my amour and fixed my hair

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Your outfit and hairstyle

I grabbed my weapons and head out of the how and announced to the Narnians we will me marching our troops to the castle now. I'm a bit not fund of this idea because I know without Aslan we couldn't win.

The Narnians started marching to the Telmarine castle. I was standing with Peter waiting for the other Narnians to get prepared. Lucy came out watching both of us but, I can see she's ignoring Peter. She's probably upset about earlier.  I sighed a bit disappointed with Peter.

We reached the castle at night, Peter, Susan, Caspian, Edmund and I were on Gryffins. Edmund landed on the roof of the tower and his Gryffin killed the guard there. The four of us landed on top and killed some guards.

We entered Caspian's professor's office. "Professor?" Caspian said. We looked at some books and and some of them are about us. "I have to find him." Caspian added. "You don't have time. You need to get the gate open." Peter answered. "You wouldn't be here without him. And neither would I." Caspian replied. "Three of us can deal with Miraz." I told Caspian. "And I can still get to the gate in time." Caspian left the room. "Let's go." Susan said.

We were walking around in the Castle and Susan opened the door and saw a baby in a cradle. "Where did that come from?" Susan asked shocked. "I think that's the reason why Caspian had to be killed." I answered. We left the room and started looking for Caspian. The three of us found him in the room of his uncle and aunt. He was pointing the tip of his sword to Miraz's neck. "I don't want to do this." We heard his aunt said. "We don't want you either." Susan spoke up as we entered pointing her bow to Caspian's Aunt. "This used to be a private room." Miraz said. "What ate you doing? You're supposed to be in the gatehouse!" Peter scolded Caspian. "No!" Caspian exclaimed. "Tonight for once, I want the truth. Did you kill my father?" Caspian added. "Now we get to it." Miraz  replied. "You said your brother died in his sleep." Miraz's wife said putting her crossbow down. "That was more or less true." He responded. "Caspian, this won't make things better." Susan said. "We Telmarines would have nothing had we not taken it. Your father knew that as well as anyone." Miraz said. "How could you?"  Prunaprismia asked. "For the same reason you will pull that trigger. For our son." Miraz responded. "Stop!" Prunaprismia yelled at Caspian. "Stop right there!" I yelled. "You need to make a choice dear. Do you want our child to be king? Or do you want him to be like Caspian here? Fatherless!" Miraz asked. "No!" Prunaprismia yelled then she shot Caspian on the arm. "Caspian!" Peter yelled and Susan shot Prunapismia.

We ran as fast as we can. The Telmarines must now know we're here. "Peter!" I screamed. "Our troops are just outside! Come on!" He answered as he grabbed my hand. "Now Ed! Now! Signal the troop!" Peter shouted telling Edmund time to give the signal but I see he's dealing with a soldier. "I'm a bit busy Pete!" Peter started dealing with some soldiers and I loaded my bow and shot one of them before they laid a hand on him. "Edmund watch out!" I screamed. Susan and Caspian came and we followed Peter to the gate. "Peter! It's too late. We have to call it off while we still can." Susan suggested. "No. I can still do this!" Peter replied. I saw soldiers coming out of the castle. "Help me!" Peter said. "Pete please. Just exactly who are you doing this for?" I asked him but he didn't reply. We opened the gate and the Narnians finally got in. "For Narnia!" I unsheated my sword and started striking some Telmarines. I noticed Edmund on the roof, luckily he was safe. He slide and landed on one Telmarine soldier that tried to shoot but the others saw him and Peter and I yelled; "Ed!" He looked confused and when he turned around, Telmarine soldiers were looking at him starting to pull the trigger. He ran and defended himself by closing the door.

The battle wasn't really going well. I think we will end up losing. I think Peter should've listened to Susan that we should call it off while we still can. I saw Trumpkin fall down the tower and a Telmarine soldier trying to split apart something. If I wasn't mistaken, if they split it apart the gate will be closed. One of the Minotaurs ran to the gate and made sure it doesn't close. "Peter we have to go now!" I screamed. "Fall back!" He said. "Susan!" I said then I grabbed her hand. "Glenstorm take care of her." I told him. "Caspian!" Susan yelled. "I'll find him!" Peter answered.

A few minutes later, Caspian came riding on a horse. He brought another horse with him. I noticed, his professor was witg him. That's the only benefit we got in this attack. Caspian looked at me and Peter. Two of us ran and Peter grabbed my hand and we hopped on the horse. Once we left the gate, it closed and fell on the Minotaur. I was a bit miserable after I saw that.

"Run for your life!"

"Save yourselves!"

I heard them shout. Our plan didn't go well planned afterall. I really got confused what happened to him. I heard some wings flapping behind, I turned around and saw Edmund safe. I'm so glad he is. On our way back to the how Peter asked me; "Are you alright?" "I'm fine." I responded.

5th chapter DONE! TBH I was freaking out writing some parts here. See ya at ze next chapter.

- Addison

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