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Lucy POV

The path Peter chose led us into the Telmarines. I knew we should've listened to D.L.F. in the first place. The Telnarines were building Catapults and a bridge to cross the river. We carefully left the Telmarines and Susan stated; "Perhaps this wasn't the best way to come after all." "So where exactly do you saw Aslan." Peter asked me. They keep on acting like grown-ups, it's so annoying. "I wish you'd all stop trying to sound like grown-ups. I don't think I saw him. I did see him." I answered. Trumpkin told me something but I just ignored him. "It was right over... Ahh!" I was about to answer them but I fell a few feet from the ground. "Lucy!" My sister screamed. "......Here." I finished my sentence which was cut off by my screaming due to the ground that cracked.

Time skip

We all lay down on the ground and my other siblings were asleep. I watched the stars beam in the sky. It reminded me a lot of Y/n. I missed her a lot but I'm not sure if she's still alive or not. Trumpkin told me it's been 1300 years when we left Narnia so I'm not sure if she is. I'm sure my siblings also miss her especially Peter. They got engaged a few months before we returned to England. "Lucy are you awake?" Susan asked me. I just nodded. "Why do you think I didn't see Aslan? You believe me?" I questioned. "Well we got across the gorge. I don't know." She replied. "Maybe you didn't really want to." I stated. "You always knew we'd be coming back here, didn't you?" I asked Susan. "I hoped so. I finally just got uses to the idea of being in England." She replied.

"But you're happy to be here, aren't you?"

"While it last."

We then fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw dryads and petals in the wind. The trees were moving to make a path and I saw Aslan. "Aslan!" I yelled. "I've missed you so much." I stated. "You've grown. Every year you grow..... So shall I." He told me. "Where have you been? Why haven't you come to help us?" I queried. "Things never happen the same way twice, dear one." He responded to my question. But I heard a twig snap so it was all but a dream. I saw Susan sleeping and decided to wake her up. "Susan! Wake up!" I whispered, but she was very drowsy. "Certainly, Lu, whatever you like." She responded. So I just got up and left my siblings to see if Aslan was there. "Aslan?" I asked but someone covered my mouth and it's Peter. The thing I thought which was Aslan was actually a Minotaur. Peter went on to check who were those but then I heard yelling and clashing of swords.


The Narnians accepted Caspian as their new leader, I was glad to hear that. We were patrolling the forest to stay away from the Telmarines. I was walking with one of the Centaurs when I heard someone yelling and clashing of swords. Caspian was battling some human. He somehow looks familiar but younger than that person I knew. The blonde haired boy got rid of Caspian's sword. He tries to hit Caspian but he dodged the blue eyed boy's attack and his sword got stuck on the tree instead. Caspian kicked him, but I then recognized who it was. Peter Pevensie. Peter was about to hit him with a stone but I screamed; "That's enough!" "Peter!" I saw a girl standing with Auburn hair and blue eyes. "Y/n!" I then realized it was Lucy who ran to me and gave me a hug. "Prince Caspian?" Peter asked him. "Yes, and who are you?" Caspian scoffed. "Peter!" I think it's Lucy's Big sister. Behind her was Edmund and Trumpkin, they must've saved him. "High King Peter." Caspian responded confused. "I believe you called." Peter said. "Yes but, I thought you would be older." Caspian answered. "If you would like, we could come back in a few years." He responded to Caspian's statement. "No, it's alright..... it's just that..... you're not what we expected." Caspian explained. He turned to Susan looking at her;  Edmund noticed the way he looks at his sister so he told Caspian;
"Neither are you." Lucy and her siblings joined in a group hug with me except for Peter. He's probably speechless of how am I still alive after 1300 years. After the group hug, I hugged Peter,"I've missed you." I told him. He kissed my forehead and replied; "I missed you too." "A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes. We have anxiously your return, my liege. Our hearts and swords are at your service." Reepicheep said. Lucy turned to me and whispered; "Oh my gosh, he's so cute." Reepicheep must've heard Lucy's description of him, so he yelled; "Who said that?!" "Sorry." Lucy apologized. "Your majesty, with the greatest respect. I do believe 'courageous' 'Courteous' or 'Chivalrous' might more benefit a knight of Narnia." Reep responded. "Well, at least we know some of you can handle a blade." Peter explained. "Yes, indeed. And I have recently put it to good use, securing weapons for your army sire." Reep responded. "Good. Because we're going to need every sword we can get." Peter cleared up as he turned to Caspian. Caspian looks annoyed, maybe because Peter's getting the credits when he made the army. I think it's time for someone new to rule after all, we ruled 1300 years ago. "Well then, you probably be wanting yours back." Caspian told Peter as he handed back his sword.

Hope you enjoyed it. Ncjcvjjcjvjc U guys finally saw EACHOTHAH AGAIN AHHH cya at ze next chapter.

- Addison

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