Bonding once again

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Caspian POV

I can't believe I almost brought the White Witch back to life. If it weren't for the kings and queens she would be back today and we have to face two problems. As Susan and Y/n left us alone, I apologized to Peter then I left the Stone Table. I sat on the edge staring at the sky. My professor came and sat down with me. "Why did you never tell me about my father?" I asked him. "My mother was a black dwarf from the Northern Mountains. I risked my life all these years so that one day... You might be a better king than those before you." He answered. "Then I have failed you." I said. "Everything I told you, everything I didn't. It was only because I believe in you. You have a chance to become the most noble contradiction in history. The Telmarine who saved Narnia." My professor said. And I looked at the view and thought about it.

Lucy POV

I saw my brother in the how sitting on the Stone Table while staring at the carving of Aslan. I decided to join him. He's probably miserable after what happened earlier and about his relationship with Y/n. When I sat down with him, we were quiet for a moment then he finally spoke up. "You're lucky, you know." Peter said. I looked at him and asked; "What do you mean?" "To have seen him." Peter referred to Aslan then we stared at the carving. "I wish he'd just given me some sort of proof." Peter said. "Maybe we're the ones who need to prove ourselves to him." I answered. Edmund came and said; "Pete. You'd better come quickly."

We followed Edmund and saw Y/n and Caspian outside. I can see a Telmarine army coming near us.

We started coming up with a plan and Peter planned that since I saw Aslan the last time, I should go to the forest and find him but Trumpkin doesn't agree with it. "Cakes and kettledrums. Thats your next big plan? Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest? Alone!" Trumpkin complained. "It's our only chance." Peter said. "And she won't be alone." Susan stated. Trumpkin came to me and asked; "Haven't enough of us died already?" "Nikabrik was my friend too. But he lost hope. Queen Lucy hasn't. And neither have I." Trufflehunter said. Reepicheep unsheated his sword and announced; "For Aslan." "For Aslan." A bear joined in. "Then I'm going with you." Trumpkin told me. "No. We need you here." I answered him. "We have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back." Peter said. Caspian spoke up while sitting on the stairs; "If I may... Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer... But as king, he is subject to the traditions... and expectations of his people. There is one in particular that may buy us some time." So we thought of a duel. I noticed Y/n was very quiet at the corner. I hope she's alright. When everyone left the room, I told Susan that we should talk to Y/n what's wrong. 

"Y/n are you fine?" Susan asked. "I'm alright. Thank you but I have to go now." Y/n answered then she tried to walk away but I stopped her. "Y/n! We know there is something wrong. Just tell us." I said. She sighed "It's just that..." her sentence was cut when small tears ran through her face. "It's about Peter again huh?" Susan asked. "Yea... I feel bad for being so distant to him." Y/n answered. "I think you should talk to him alter. This might affect his duel later." I told her. "Thanks guys." Y/n said as she wiped her tears away. 


I started looking for Peter wherever he is. I saw Edmund rolling the scroll and started leaving with Glenstorm and a giant. "Ed wait!" I exclaimed. "Y/n?" He asked. "Have you seen Peter?" I queried. "He's just right there preparing his armour for later." Edmund answered. "Thanks." I said. "No problem." He answered. 

I saw Peter in the room preparing his armour. I standby and asked him; "Do you have time to talk?" "Yea." He answered. I walk towards him and said; "I'm so sorry for being so distant. I know I shouldn't but I did." We're quiet for a few seconds and he answered. "It's not your fault. I understand why you were like that. It was my fault, I shouldn't have behaved that way." I started crying a little bit. "I love you Peter Pevensie." I said. "I love you too." He answered. "No matter what happens. My heart is always with you." I told him.

Ik it's a bit overrated 😐 I was fricking out putting some of the stuff there so I understand if its overrated

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