Duel at Aslan's how

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Your dress and hair

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Your dress and hair

Edmund POV

We headed to the Telmarine camp to deliver Peter's request of a duel.
"I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel and Emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the ursuper Miraz to a single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be to death. The reward shall be a total surrender." I finished the letter then I rolled the scroll. "Tell me, Prince Edmund..." Miraz told me. "King." I corrected. "Pardon me?" He answered. "It's King Edmund actually. Just 'King' though. Peter's the High King. I know it's confusing." "Why would we risk such a proposal when our armies could wipe you out by nightfall?" Miraz asked.  "Haven't you already underestimated our numbers? I mean, only a week ago Narnians were extinct." I replied. "And so will you be again." "Well then, you should have little to fear." I told him. They started laughing; "This is not a question of bravery." Miraz said. "So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?" I scoffed and they stopped laughing. "I didn't say I refused."  Miraz answered. "You shall have our support, your majesty. Whatever your decision is." One of the generals said. "Sire, our military advantage alone provides the perfect excuse to avoid what might otherwise be..." one of the lords was cut by him. "I'm not avoiding anything." Miraz said as he stand up from his seat. "I was merely pointing out that my lord is well within his rights to refuse." He answered Miraz. "His majesty would never refuse." The general standing said. "He relishes the chance to show the people the courage of their new king." The general added. Miraz pointed his sword to me, "You." Miraz said. "You should hope your brother's sword is sharper than his pen." Miraz added. Miraz luckily agreed with the duel. Hopefully Peter will beat him.

Susan POV

"Su, are you and Lucy prepared now?" Y/n asked me. "We are." Lucy asked. "I'm sure Caspian will love your outfit." Y/n teased me. "Oh shush you." I answered. "Let's go now, Caspian should be waiting for us." Lucy told me. "And N/n, don't worry about Peter. He won't die." I encouraged her since she looks worried. "Thanks Susan." She answered.

We left and reached Caspian with his horse. I helped Lucy get up the horse and Caspian started preparing him. "Destrier has always served me well. You are in good hands." Caspian told us. "Or hooves." Lucy giggled. "Good luck." He said. "Thanks." I replied. He started grabbed something in his and pocket said; "Look..." He grabbed my horn and hand it out to me. "Maybe it is time you had this back." Caspian said. "Why don't you hold onto it. You might need to call me again." I told him then the Destrier started running. "You might need to call me again?" Lucy teased. "Oh shut up. I can't believe Y/n influenced you to do that." I answered. "But didn't you do that to her and Peter before on our first time here?" Lucy asked. "So what's the problem with that?" I queried. "It's fair." Lucy said. "Fine you win."


It was time for the duel to take place. I was getting more worried now. We left the how and I walked beside Peter while Edmund was on the other side. "Pete.. " I called his name. "I know Y/n. I'll be alright." Peter said then he kissed my forehead.

Miraz and his general were still having a conversation then he stood up from his sit. Edmund gave Peter his sword and walked in the center.
"There's still time to surrender." Miraz told Peter. "Well, feel free. " Peter answered. "How many more must die for the throne? " Miraz asked him. "Just one. " He replied. Peter got up to the rock and jumped and started attacking Miraz.

Susan POV

Lucy and I reached the woods. I heard some yelling of people near us. Lucy turned around and warned; "They've seen us! " I stopped by and got down Destrier. "What are you doing? " Lu asked me. "I'm sorry Lucy, but it looks like you'll be going alone after all. " I said. Then I hit the horse so that it will go. Lucy stopped for a while and looked back at me. I loaded my bow and started shooting soldiers. I killed 4 of them but the last one tried hitting me with a sword. I dodged his attack and tried stabbing him with my bow but he knocked me. Caspian came and killed the soldier. "Are you sure you don't need that horn?" He asked holding out his hand to me. I grabbed his hand and rode on his horse.


The duel is going well for a while then Miraz knocked Peters helmet. Miraz tried to hit Peter on the head but he dodged it then Peter hit Miraz's leg with his shield. Miraz started attacking again but Peter dodged and landed on the ground. Miraz knocked Peter and the floor and stepped on his shield causing Peter to help in pain. I closed my eyes and tried catching up to my breathe.

Miraz tried hitting Peter again but he rolled on the ground dodging his attacks. Peter rolled near Miraz's legs and Miraz tripped. (I somehow find this scene funny idk why.)

Peter got up and I stared at what he was staring at. It was Susan and Caspian. "Does his highness need a respite?" Miraz asked. "5 minutes." Peter responded. "3." Miraz said.

I'll be stopping right there coz rn I'm tired n it's 1.57 am nvhchcrgcgcc. I'll try updating later after sleeping. Have a great day y'all.


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