Victory is ours again

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Third POV

A dwarf tried to kill a Telmarine soldier but instead the Telmarine hit him causing him to fall. Caspian saw the Telmarine about to kill Trumpkin so he killed him and Trumpkin was saved. (Skipping some parts again lmao) Later, Y/n was having some problems in dealing with some soldiers and they knocked her in the pit. "Y/n!" Peter shouted. A centaur with some fauns jumped on the Telmarines trying to kill them. Back at the pit, Y/n was trying to get up but then Glozelle, the general of the Telmarine army tried killing her but he can't. Suddenly a tree root grabbed him and threw him on the ground. When Y/n got up, Peter helped her out of the pit. "Don't scare me like that again." Peter told her but she just giggled. The trees started moving and was helping them defeat the Telmarines. Y/n stared at Peter, "Lucy..." Y/n said. "She's back with Aslan." Y/n finished. The boulders started hitting the trees but it's roots destroyed the catapults. Many Telmarine Soldiers were panicking when they saw this. "For Aslan!" Peter shouted holding his sword out. The Narnians then started chasing the Telmarine soldiers. Then the Telmarines started retreating.

"We can defeat them, if we draw them to the river." One of the Telmarine soldiers said. "To Beruna! To the bridge!" Lord Sopespian ordered. A soldier then blew the horn giving a signal. The Narnians followed them to Beruna and they were met by Lucy the she he pulls out her dagger. Lord Sopespian turned around looking confused.

Aslan walked out and stand behind Lucy. "Charge!" Lord Sopespian commanded. The Telmarines crossed the river then Aslan roared causing the river to move in a weird way. Suddenly the water formed into a man. The Telmarines were panicking. They finally got defeated. 5 of them were going to cross the river then Peter hand out his hand to Y/n And she grabbed it.

When they crossed the otherwise, they all bowed down to Aslan. "Rise, kings and queens of Narnia." Aslan told them. All of them stood up except for Caspian. "All of you." Aslan added. Caspian looked up and said; "I do not think I'm ready." "It's for the very reason I know you are." Aslan told him then he stood up.

The kings and queens along with Caspian heard some music and turned around. A group of mouse was behind them holding a bed with Reepicheep on it. Lucy ran to him and gave him a drop of magical cordial. Reepicheep started breathing and opened his eyes. "Thank you... Your majesty." Reepicheep thanked Lucy. One of the mice helped reepicheep up and he was shocked when he saw Aslan. "Oh. Hail, Aslan! It is a great honour to be in..." Reep's sentence was cut off when he tripped. He noticed that his tail was cut off.
"I'm completely out of countenance. I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion. Perhaps a drop more?" Reepicheep asked Lucy. "I don't think it does that." Lucy answered. "You could have a go." Reep said. "It becomes you well, small one." Aslan told Reepicheep. "All the same great king. I regret I must withdraw, for a tail of a mouse is the honour and glory of a mouse." Reepicheep replied as he hands out his sword to Aslan. "Perhaps you think too much of your honour friend." Aslan said. "Well it's not just the honour. It's also great for balance. And climbing, and grabbing things." Reepicheep explained. "May it please your high majesty, we will not bear the shame of wearing an honour denied to our chief." A mouse said as he and the others were about to cut their tails. "Not for the sake of your dignity, but for the love of your people." Aslan said. Reepicheep's tail started growing back to normal. "Look! Thank you my liege. I will treasure it always. From this day forward, it will serve as a great reminder oh my huge humility." Reep thanked Aslan. "Bow, where is this dear little friend you've told me so much about?" Aslan asked Lucy. Trumpkin turned around and saw Aslan. He went forward and bowed to him and Aslan roared at him. "Do you see him now?" Lucy asked. "We did it." Y/n said as she wrapped her arms around Peter's torso and their lips met eachothers. "I love you." Peter told Y/n. "I love you too." Y/n replied.


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