Adventures in their world

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Third POV

Your dress

Next day after Narnia got their kingdom back, Caspian was crowned the new king of Narnia. Many people were cheering in the streets greeting Caspian while Peter, Y/n, Susan, Edmund and Lucy followed behind in each horse.

Next day

Your hair and dress

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Your hair and dress

Lucy POV

It was a few hours before the ceremony starts. I was looking for Y/n and I found her in the garden laughing with Peter. "Y/n! Y/n! There you are." I yelled as I ran to her. "Hey Lu." Y/n greeted as she bent down and gave me a hug. "Oh and by the way, Peter.. Aslan wants to talk to you and Susan privately." I informed my brother. "I'll see you two later then." Peter said. "Bye Pete." Y/n said. "What were you and Peter talking about?" I asked her. "We were talking about the past and what we did the last 13 hundred years ago. Some embarrasing moments and happy ones." Y/n answered. "Do you still remember when we would race eachother to Cair Paravel and you would beat me every time?" I queried. "Of course I do Lu. Those memories with you and your siblings are so special to me." Y/n answered. "Bet I can beat you now!" I exclaimed as I ran to the Castle. "Hey! Wait for me!" Y/n chuckled. I got to the castle first but I accidentally bumped into the door when Caspian opened it. "I'm sorry Lucy." He said. "It's fine." "Lucy! Are you alright?!" Y/n yelled then she started massaging my forehead. "I'm fine. Thanks Y/n." I turned around and saw Peter and Susan talking to Aslan. Three of them saw us, "Your majesty?" Aslan said. "We are ready. Everyone has assembled." Caspian said while Y/n helps me get up.


"Narnia belongs to the Narnians, just as it does to man. Any Telmarine who wants to stay and live in peace are welcome to. But for any of you who wish, Aslan will return you to the home of our forefathers." Caspian announced. "It's been generations since we left Telmar." A Telmarine answered. "We're not referring to Telmar. Your ancestors were seafaring brigands. Pirates run aground on an island. There they found a cave, a rare chasm that brought them here from their world. The same world as our kings and queens." Aslan replied. "It is to that Island I can return you. It is a good place for any who wish to make a new start." Aslan added. "I will go. I will accept the offer." General Glozelle said. "So will we." Lady Prunaprismia agreed along with another man. "Because you have spoken first, your future in that world shall be good." Aslan stated. He roared and formed an entrance to the tree. They went through the tree and disappeared suddenly.

"Where did they go?"

"They killed them!" The Telmarines shouted. "How do we know he is not leading us to our deaths?" Another one shouted. "Sire, if my example can be of any service. I will take 11 mice through with no delay." Reepicheep said. Peter and Susan stated at eachother. "We'll go." Peter said. I got so confused. "We will?" Edmund asked. "Come on. Our time's up." Peter answered. Even if they leave I'm sure I'll see them again like what the last time. He walked to Caspian, "After all... we're not really needed here anymore." Peter added as he handed out his sword to Caspian. "I will look after it until you return." Caspian stated. "I'm afraid that's just it.." Susan said. I didn't really get what she means. "Su, what do you mean?" I asked. "We're not coming back." Susan answered. "We're not?" Lucy queried. "You two are, at least, I think he means you two." Peter answered Lucy. My world has turned upside down. It's like it was better for me if I didn't met him at all because it will just end up to a heartbreak. I feel tears starting to fall from my eyes now. I never get to see these two special people to me. Even if Lucy and Edmund return, that might also be their last time. "But why? Have they done something wrong?" Lucy asked him. "Quite the opposite, dear one. But all things have their time. Your brother and sister have learned what they can from this world. Now it's time for them to live in their own." Aslan answered Lucy. "It's alright Lu. It's not how I thought it would be. But it's alright. One day you'll see too." Peter comforted Lucy. He then walked to me. "Y/n.. I'm sorry I can't keep my promise." He told me as he squeezed my hand. "I.. understand." Our lips then met eachothers and he walked away and along with Lucy and Edmund said their goodbyes to the other Narnians. I hugged Susan then she went walking to Caspian. "I'm glad that I came back." Susan said. "I wish we had more time together."


"It would never have worked anyway." Susan reasoned. "Why not?" Caspian asked Su. "I am 1,300 years older than you." Susan answered. She started walking away but then she crashed her lips into his then he hugged her. I guess this is the time. I walked to Peter and I told him. "Don't forget about me." I told him then he wiped my tears. "I won't forget you." He said as he kissed my forehead. They went through the tree and disappeared. If there was an only way I could be with him. But the moment I realized I could be with him in his world. I walked to Aslan. "Aslan, is it possible if I go to their world?" I asked him. "You may dear one. Just remember it's quite different from this world you had lived in most of your life." Aslan answered. I entered through the tree and I was brought to some weird place full off children and wearing weird clothing and I realized I was also wearing one too.

Your outfit

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Your outfit

I started scanning for familiar faces and I saw Lucy. "Y/n!" She exclaimed excitedly and ran to me in a hug. Peter looked shocked. "I knew we could be together." I told him.


- Addison

Your promise 《Book 2》( Peter Pevensie x Female Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now