Return of the White Witch

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Lucy POV

It's already morning and the Narnians aren't here yet. Hopefully something good happened. I was sitting at the Stone Table and looking at my healing cordial then I heard something then kept my healing cordial.

I came out and saw the Narnians back. But... they don't look happy. So I asked them; "What happened?" "Ask him." Peter referred to Caspian. Y/n put her hand on his shoulder to calm him down but he removed her hand from his shoulder. "Peter!" Susan scolded. "Me?" Caspian asked. "You could've called it off. There was still time." Caspian argued. "No there wasn't thanks to you. If you kept the plan those soldiers might  be alive" Peter answered. This isn't going well. "If you'd stayed here like I suggested, they definitely would be." Caspian responded. "You called us, remember?" Peter asked. "My first mistake." Caspian replied. "No. Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people." Peter told him. "Hey!" Caspian shouted. "I'm not the one who abandoned Narnia." He added. "You invaded Narnia. You have no more right to lead it than Miraz does." Peter said as Caspian started walking away. "You, him, your father... Narnia's better off without the lot of you." Peter added. Caspian unsheated his sword and pointed it to Peter and Peter did the same to him. "That's enough both of you! Fighting eachother over something that has already happened won't bring back the lives of the Narnians we have lost. That's enough." Y/n exclaimed. She looks so disappointed with Peter. Glenstorm walked towards carrying Trumpkin. "Trumpkin." I sighed. I took out my healing cordial and put a drop on his mouth. Luckily he started breathing. "What are you all standing around for?" Trumpkin asked. "The Telmarines will be here soon enough." Trumpkin said. I noticed Caspian isn't around. Hopefully he's alright. "Thank you... My dear little friend." Trumpkin said. Susan and I got up and walked with Peter to the how. Y/n walked a distance away from him. I decided to ask her what was wrong. "N/n.. Is there something going wrong with you and Peter? Did you two argued?" I whispered making sure Peter doesn't hear our conversation. "It's not that Lu. He's acting different from what I remembered. Not the same Peter Pevensie I knew." Y/n answered. "The reason he was like that because he misses you alot. It was hard for him living in our world without you." I told her. "Have you guys seen Caspian?" Susan asked. "No, why?" I asked her. "I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen with him." Susan answered. "Let's split up." Edmund suggested. "Y/n let's go." I said as I grabbed her hand. "I'll come with you." Trumpkin said.


Lucy and I were walking in the how to find Caspian. I heard something from the Stone Table and asked Lucy; "Did you hear that?" "Yes. Let's check it out." Lucy answered. Two of us checked it out and it's Caspian, giving out his arm to the Witch who killed my parents and ruled Narnia in an impressed way. I saw two creatures but I didn't know what are they but I saw Nikabrik with him. "Peter! They're here!" Lucy exclaimed. "They?" Edmund asked. "Just come on!" Lucy said.

"Stop!" Peter yelled as we all unsheated our swords. Lucy unsheated her dagger then that creature with lots of fur ran towards us making sure we don't get close. They're probably trying to bring back the White Witch. The creature jumped on Edmund but he was able to cut him a little bit. I helped Peter kill the green creature and he pushed Caspian away and pointed his sword at the Witch. "Get away from him!" Peter shouted at the Witch. "Peter dear, I've missed you. Come, just one drop." She told him. I noticed she hypnotized him because he was putting his sword down. I saw Edmund run to the Side of the room and went behind the Ice and stabbed it. "I know, you had it sorted." He said then walked out. I saw Susan behind us looking disappointed at Peter and Caspian. I walked towards her. "Let's go Su." I said. I turned around and saw Peter looking at me but I just ignored him. I kind of feel bad for doing this but... He's behaviour is making  me to.

:) chapter 6 done. Looks like u n Peter aren't on good terms. 🤔 how will your relationship be fixed. AND PLS DO NOT HATE ME FOR HOW I WRITE THIS😭 I had no ideas so I just thought if this. Pls don't be mad 😕

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