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I walked down to the beach alone, sat near the seashore. I started admiring the view of yellow and orange sun to pink and purple hues transitions from day to night. I finally felt ease by staring at the beautiful nature wondering, how can god create such a breathtaking art.

I just love sitting on the beach while relishing the solitude. I closed my eyes, feeling the cold breeze which was kissing my skin and heard the wave music which was so welcoming to my ears. The sound of the waves was so soothing to my heart.

A slight cool gust that keeps brushing the strands of my hair right onto my face, but I didn't mind it at all because that breeze felt so cooling on my warm skin.

I opened my eyes and saw the sea was looking like a rippling blanket of a brochure blue. The horizon was edged with a silver tint and a half moon was slightly appearing.

For the next two hours, I sat there gazing at the view as I begin to feel serene in my heart. I am rejoicing every minute of it. The stars and half moon had completely appeared in the dark sky. They are glowing as if they have kept a pocket of the day time to shine all through the night sky. It's like the moon and the earth are giving us light & warmth till the return of the sun, the brilliance forever promised at the dawn.

And, here I'm breathing deeply of the ocean carried fresh cool air, listening to the percussion of waves that has been my lullaby since a few years.

It's not new to me to come here and play with water. It's the place where I enjoy myself, whenever I saw the ocean I feel like, all my problems were so small when compared to the vast ocean. It's not like I am sad or I had problems in my life. It's just about my insecurities which is about my skin complexion & chubbiness.

I don't understand why people look down and insult dark complexion & chubby people. I just hate those people.

Like you all, I too used to love myself, but all those self love faded away from my heart when I was in 11th grade.

That's the stage, I realised that I am not a beautiful girl, but an average looking girl with whitish skin tone complexion. When I was a child, I never thought about these bloody complexions and all.

Back then, I was a cheerful girl with a joyous personality and used to think that I was so pretty like all girls, yet that one day...that one day proved me wrong.

I went to my cousin marriage with my family. Their whenever my family introduced us, I mean I have two elder cousins who are the children of my Periappa & Periamma (my father's elder brother & his wife) & my younger brother to introduce to someone they used to say that...

"Oh! She was the only one who born as a dark skinned girl in your family"

That's what they used to say in front of me and at my back they used to gossip about me as..

"I heard that dark skinned girl is the bad omen for Sastry family"

I felt like crying when I heard their piercing words and I am not a bad omen for my family because my Peryiappa always says that I was a lucky charm to them. It's not my fault to born like this....God had created me like this..I ran from there to our car.

On that day, I understand why in my school some of my teachers used to say, whenever my elder cousin Nisha Akka came to my class to feed food for me....at that time my teacher didn't utter anything, but after my Akka left my classroom after feeding food to me. They used to say that...

"You both are looking like a tea decoction & coffee...indicating me as a tea decoction.."

At that time, as I am small I didn't understand what they meant, however, after recalling their words, now, I understood the meaning of it.

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