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Hasna pov:

I am so happy...I want to fly like a bird...Dance like a kid...Sing like a
Koyal..Kiss him like there is no tomorrow..hehe..hehe...hehe...

Ayyo kaduvale!! Is it me!!

Arghh!! I am feeling so shy thinking about making him breathless with my kiss like he does with me.


I hid my face in between my palms shyly while giggling to myself in so much of joy.

Daksh pov:

What the hell she thinks all the time!!

Always zones out thinking about stupid things..

Can't she say those three words back to me but no...she has to be in her la la land dancing happily by rejoicing about my confession.


Yaar!!! I got a super duper dumb wife!!!


Daksh!!Cool down...You know very well that how much stupid your wife is..So, chill...go in...may be she came out of her dreamland now.

Who knows...You might get lucky by hearing the three words from her.

Grinning like a fool at the thought, I walked back to our room only to get feel like crying when I saw my giggling baby shying to herself like a new shy bride while laying on the bed fully covered with the blanket.

Groaning, I inched to her...


I called her but didn't got any response in return.

Cursing to myself, I laid on the bed and pulled her in her my arms yet madam didn't still didn't came out of her happy mood.

Slowly we both drifted to our dreamland.

Hasna pov:

I woke up feeling the warm kisses of my wolfy near my lips. I smiled like an insane girl rejoicing the moment.

My wolfy...The love of my life...❤


I called his name softly while opening my eyes slowly. He was still peppering kisses over my jaw making my lips curve into a gorgeous smile.

But, suddenly he started biting me like a werewolf..

"Umm...wolfy" I moaned in sexy way which I have never ever done.

However, he didn't stop it and continued doing his work without caring about my pain.


I tried to wriggle from his grip but couldn't as he didn't let me escape from his muscular arms. So, I pushed him using all my strength only to witness an angry Wolfy.

"What the hell pondati!!" My wolfy yelled at me fiercely making me flinch at his harsh tone while getting up from the bed.

"You are biting me so hard" I murmured by sitting on the bed while staring at my hands with blurry eyes.

"Oh is it that hard?" He questioned me in a sarcastic tone making me want to bite him in the same way he did.

However, I kept queit not wanting to speak with him.

"You know what pondati, you can tell me directly on my face that you don't like my touch instead of using it as an escape from me"

My wolfy spoke so harshly that my heart broke into pieces by hearing his words. I stared at him blankly while tears were flowing from my eyes like a rainfall.

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