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Hey lovelies😊

As you people asked for another early update as compensation for the wait you people did for the update made me give you all an early update.



Hasna pov:

I was chewing my lips in edgy. My heart was beating heavily. I was dreading with nervousness.

Soon his eyes fell in my direction.. A flush of hormones increased my body's heart rate, making me feel sizzling.

"Yayy! he is looking at you Diksha"

I felt insecure after hearing the squeals from those two girls, yet I'm 100% sure his gaze was on me because I can feel his eyes on me.

Don't know why? Feeling his gaze on me...I smiled shyly any hid my face in my two hands timidly and peeked in between my fingers only to see him smiling at me amusingly.

In a swift I brought down my hands feeling embarrassed at my antics as well as hearing the murmurs & giggles around me due to the attention which he was giving in my direction, but the fact is, his eyes are on me.

Luckily, the other people couldn't decipher at whom who he was glancing at particularly, as he was standing at far.

I tried to cover my crimson face with my baby hair, however, as you all know very well, that we can't cover our whole face with our baby hair, right?

Defeated, I coyly looked at him who was now looking at my Jersey, which I wore and smirked at me. He, then, throwing a sly smile towards me, my Wolfy walked away from there to the center of the ground leaving me flushed.

Daksh pov:

"Daksh, whom are you waiting for? Come on, it's already past 10. We have to be at the ground" Deepak complained, whereas I least bothered and was clenching my teeth in anger at my Gigglemug as my jaw ticked in.

Why the hell she never lifts my call!!

When we came back after that kidnapping & forest incident, I called her whether she was alright or not, but that day too she didn't lift my call and didn't even call back me and now too.

Just why?

Is she going to attend the match or else she isn't?

If she won't come to support me today then I won't think twice to kiss the hell out of her till my anger subsided.

She better attend the match or else she can't handle the wolf in me.

My chain of thoughts broke, when I heard a buzzing sound of my phone. I quickly opened the message...

Anna, Just now she woke up. She is coming, but will be a little bit late.

Pari informed me via message. When my Gigglemug didn't attend my call, I called Pari to ask about my dummy wife.

Why can't she has just woken up a little early.

Looks like she is a lazy bum, yet that lazy bum belongs to me.

I smirked at the thought that, maybe she escaped now from the kiss, which I have planned to give her to reduce my anger, but now I think I should discipline my Lazy bum or else she will stay like that forever.

"Delay the match for half an hour" I ordered coldly.

"What!!" Mohit exclaimed.

"Do what he says or else we don't want to see people getting injured by him with that basketball in the court" Rishi commented ironically.

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