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It's 5814 words..

I think, this the lengthiest chapter I have ever written in this story..😊



Hasna pov:

"Come on, let's go" I bubbled.

We both began heading to our hostel room whilst hearing her rantings about Cabir Anna.

As, How Cabir went to her home and all..

"So you are pretending to not to speak with him?" I asked her raising my perfectly shaped eyebrow at her.

"Yes" Nina declared like she is announcing some happy news.

"You shouldn't have done that" I uttered by rolling my eyes at her.

"Oye madam, you have to support me not him." She stopped walking and glared at me while placing her hands on her hips.

"Okay...okay...cool down my witch..my full support is with you....Now start walking or else it will take an hour to reach our room instead of 15min" I halted, by turning towards her while joked at her.

Nina glared at me while twisting her lips at me and started trudging. I snickered at her and carried on walking.

"Did you call pari?" she questioned me after going a little far.

"Ha I told her that we are returning back to hostel today. Then, She told me, that she will be here tonight" I replied.

"Oh!" Nina mumbled.

"Why?" I queried her whilst narrowing my eyes at her knowing the reason behind her inquiry.

"Nothing" She fake shrugged.

"Nina!!" I exclaimed.

"I'm not jealous" She defended.

"I can see that" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Nina, she is not a harmful girl. Yeah, I know that, you care for me like I'm your little sister and I also know that, you are just afraid that she will break our friendship. But.." I paused, looked at her who was staring at the ground like it is some interesting thing.

"No...No one can do that...So be friendly with her not only her, but also with Urvi & Deepa. Don't think that, I don't know the foolish things which you did like shooing away them from me like they were some harmful creatures." I quipped.

"You know!!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah" I muttered ironically.

They all think that I don't know what she was doing, however I know...

One day I heard Nina, fighting with my roommates for me that too for waking me up, but she didn't allow them to wake me up. That day they thought that I slept, however I didn't. I had an urge to make her understand that, what she was doing was not right yet decided to keep quite assuming she might change by herself, nonetheless, I think now she need to change that quality in her.

I won't say that she is wrong......No.... never ever I say that she is wrong, neither I say that she is right. Because in her point of view she is right in her own way.

This girl considers me as her own family member. After hearing her words about me when we studied 11th & 12th grade in one college...I got to know that, she likes me even before I met her. That's when I got to know that how much she likes me. Don't think that we both are lesbians. No, we are straight that's the reason why we fell for those two idiots..

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