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Daksh pov:

"We will see...and Don't forget...I have a lie detector machine...If you lie to me after one year, then you will be caught, Remember?" Mr. Maniraj Sastry warned me with an amusing smile in return I just nodded with a genuine smile.


A complete awkward silence occupied around us.

I looked everywhere except at them with anguish. If I glanced at them, then I bet they might see the tears forming in my eyes, and I didn't want them to see me break down due to their harsh words. Till now, I feigned that their words haven't affected me, yet deep down, my heart was already bleeding along with an imaginary blood.

"Now, you may leave" Mr. Adhiraj muttered with a Stoic face breaking the unpleasant silence between us.

Waoh.....They didn't even want me to invite to have dinner as a guest.

Daksh...Remember, they don't like you.

"No need to worry uncle, knowing very well that how much my presence is making you people hate me. I will take my leave...just wanted to say that I have exams lined up at the end of the month. So, can you start counting the days from the last day of my exam?" I faltered, merely concealed with a serious face.

They three looked at me with an enigmatic expression, however, Mr. Maniraj Sastry replied..

"Alright, but you are not going to talk with her in college too. However, I can't stop you from seeing each other at the college because you people might meet coincidentally or something like that might happen, yet I warn you, Don't you dare to touch my daughter!!!" Mr. Maniraj Sastry chided me being over protective towards his daughter.

I chuckled at him..Sure! These two oldies love her a lot by the way they are treating me. But, they shouldn't have rebuked me.


"Okay" I assured them and left from there to my penthouse in distraught not wanting to stay there anymore.

As soon as I entered in, I was welcomed by my best friend who was busy on his phone, typing furiously by sitting on the couch. Looks like he is going to lash out at me soon, when he gets a glimpse of my handsome face by looking at his angry face.

Hearing the sound of the opening door, he glanced at me a like molten lava, but his eyes soften as soon as he saw my devastated state.

"Daksh!! What happened?" He shouted, and sprang out of the couch to me and was checking my body temperature by placing his palm on my forehead whether I was still burning or not.

"I'm fine" I mumbled not having a strength to speak with him and preyed his hand off of my face.

"Liar!! I know you more than you know about yourself. Can't you share your burden with me. For god sake, I'm your best friend, more like your brother, idiot" He yelled flaring his nose in fury.

I didn't say anything...I don't want to make him stress because of me. He is already stressed out due to Nina as she wasn't speaking with him. In addition to that, he has an office burden too.

Moreover, It's my personal..

"Nothing, I'm alright" I whispered blankly at him in a queue to escape from his interrogation.

If I stay here any more, I bet I will collapse again, which may lead him to bother about me.

"Ok, don't tell me anything" Cabir said, looking straight into my eyes.

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