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Anuj pov(Hasna's younger bro):

As usual I woke up early in the morning at 3:00am and began studying. Yes, you all heard right and it's true as I scheduled my daily routine in that way.

Before you all wonder who I am? Let me introduce myself in short.

My name is Anuj Sastry, youngest son of my lovely parents, Mr & Mrs. Maniraj & Madhu Sastry. My father is a renowned lawyer in India. My mother is a principal of ABC school.

I have a beautiful older sister too. Her name is Hasna. Like her name, she always laughs. Even though, there is no joke, she smiles. My sister is so funny, yet she is a lazy naive silent girl but smart not more than me.

At present, I am studying 10th grade in ABC school. I daily woke up at 3:00am in the early morning to study. Because like always I don't want to give up my "Always topper" title to anyone.

After a few hours....

"Anuj!! Have some milk" My mom came in by holding a glass of milk in her hand. I took it from her and glanced at the clock, it's 7am.

It's already 7am. I wonder, Does my lazy sister had woke up or not? Because, today she has to do so much packing as today she is leaving to the hostel and was going to stay in hostel for the first time. She got seat in computer science in B.tech in a top most reputed university in Chennai.

"Mom, Did my sis wake up" I queried my mother who was staring at me lovingly.

"No, Anuj. Go and wake her up. There is so much packing to do as she is going to the hostel" she commented while caressing my hair adoringly.

"Okay" I said with an evil smile playing on my lips as a wicked thought crossed my brain.

I walked to our shoe rac and searched for the rotten socks. Finally I found it and take out that old atrocious socks and went to her room.

I glanced at her...she is sleeping like a princess on her queen sized bed.. surely my sister is a princess of this entire sastry mansion & for our family.Her entire world revolves around books and family. Mainly she has a smiling face. That smile which never fades from her face. That smile which gives a serene to everyone's hearts in our family except for me because it irritates me alot...some times i think she is crazy.

I looked at my sister who is sleeping like a kumbakarn....haha...i like to annoy her a lot..

I quickly walked near her to the bed and take out the unbearable smelled socks, placed closed to her nose and let her wiff it....after 2 seconds I saw her body movements and she was about to get up but i didn't let it and droped the socks onto her nose...


"chii....yaak..." she unconciously took the socks which i dropped on her face and throwed it away....and a disgusted look appeared on her ever so smiling face.

I laughed out loud at her and soon she realized what just happen and frowned at me.

Hasana pov:

I was sleeping peacefully but suddenly the pure good smell which I was breathing is changed into an aweful smell and added to that i felt something was fell on my nose which smelled yaak...i instantly opened my eyes and unconciously took it off from my nose with my hands and throwed it. I was about to sleep but stopped instantly when i saw a male figure laughing at me...

And that is none other than my egghead...my lil brother...that pig he irritates me alot...huff...and then realisation sank in me that what just happened...and i yelled at him.


By hearing my shouting he started running while laughing out like a manic..

That idiot...i won't leave him today with that i got up and began to ran at his back..

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