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Hasna pov:

I was so embarrassed. I so wanted the earth to swallow me or else I wish I had a magic wand with me so that I can vanish in the thin air.


By hearing Pari's low pitch concern voice, I jolted out of my stupor.

"Sorry Smiley...Rishi, is waiting for me outside the restaurant. It seems like, he wants to take me somewhere..Bye"

Pari uttered in the feigned worried voice, although I could also see the smirk playing on her lips that was dedicated to me because she didn't show an ounce of guilt on her face for leaving me alone with this angry wolf.

Looks like she is so happy with me being with wolfy.

Go...Go..I don't need you...I am not alone as you think. I have my witch with me. I twisted my lips at her fuming, to which she gave me a mischievous smile and walked away.

Whatever happens my Nina won't abandon her darling..

Even if the Tsunami comes, still she won't leave her best friend aka me.


I glanced at my friend Nina who cleared her throat to gain my attention and was looking at me with a playful smile..

Oh! This witch came into a teasing mode..

But, her next words made want to choke her to death..

" Darling!! I don't want to be a third wheel between a husband & wife. Moreover, I don't want my innocent eyes to witness dirty stuff which couple do"

I got aghast at her choice of words...

How can she tease me in front of him..moreover, how can she speak in that way before him by making me a beetroot at the first meet itself after a long time.

That witch is not my friend anymore.
And that stupid Nina left me not before winking at me.

Who will leave their best friend with a werewolf.


However, they both broke my belief, Yet deep down I know, they left me so that I can spend some time with him so that I will be happy because all this while they saw me crying for him.

As Nina & Pari have a doubt that my crush on him is more than that. Henceforth, they both walked away, giving us privacy.

And, Yes, it's more than a mere crush and my heart only knows that how much I love him.

However, How can they leave me with my Wolfy alone.

Don't they know that he will eat me alive.

I feel really weird because when my hubby is far, I want him near me. When he is near me, I want him to go far.

However, I gathered all my courage and squinted my eyes to him, as soon as I did, I gulped hard by looking at him who has a sly smile plastered on his lips.

"Gigglemug, Did you miss me" My Wolfy asked me in his euphonic voice, staring right into my eyes.

Hearing his voice after a long time made my heart melt down at his feathery voice which I never heard before in my life.

He can be soft too...Aww.....I like another side of my wolfy.

Coming back to my senses...I have an urge to reply as a yes, but what if he think ill about me if I replied in positive.

What should I respond to him?

I was busy in thinking, but quickly driven out of my thoughts when I heard his rough yet gentle voice.

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