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Hey lovelies,

I'm extremely sorry for breaking my promise. Actually I'm suffering from headache since last five days. So, my mom scolded me for using mobile even though I'm not well and snatched my phone from me. So, I couldn't update. Today only she gave back my phone. So, as soon as she gave me I couldn't stop myself from updating.

So, here is the update😍



Hasna pov:

Tears spilled all over the sides of my eyes when I thought about my parents while my Elli was applying vermilion on my partition line making me his and fell down on me unconsciously.

"Elli" I screamed panicking by holding him in my arms tightly to prevent his head to hit the ground.

I slowly placed his head on my lap while crying my eyes out by pating on his cheeks at the same time I was calling him.

"S-Sir" I croaked out due to the lump formed in my throat, which made my voice crack when I spoke.

"S-Sir" I again called him wailing in fear of losing him.

"Please somebody give me some water" I bawled with a pounding heart.

That lady who understands my language brought me water. I quickly took it from her and sprinkle few drops of water on his face.

A few seconds later, he got his consciousness back..

"S-sir ar-e y-ou ok-ay" I asked him while sobbing.

"Please someone at least give me a first aid kit" I again yelled loudly by looking at his state.

"g-gigg-gle mug"

"Hmm...sir please be awake...please" I pleaded by looking at him worriedly.

"Aunty please atleast give me a first aid kit" I folded my hands infront of that woman pleading her who was in return nodded her head and left.

I never in my life, begged for someone but now, all I was doing it for him.

Only for my wolfy..

"S-Sir, are you able to s-stand" I whispered softly while wiping his blood on his face.

"I'll t-try" He choked.

"Take it" That lady came and handed me the first aid kit.

"You can take him to a hut which is near by only. Then you can treat your husband" That woman uttered.

But, I can't take him alone. He is heavy yet I have to take him. I don't know how many wounds he had inside that fabric. I have to treat those injuries too.

"How much farther it is?" I asked her.

"20 feet distance from here and we even called our doctor too. He is on the way. My men will help you to take him their" she replied looking at my Elli with concern.

Why now? when it's needed she didn't even helped us.

"I don't want anyone to help me to take my husband to that hut. I alone can take care of him by myself." I muttered bitterly because I was so afraid that what if those men harm my Elli again in the name of helping.

And Added to that, what if that doctor who comes here to treat him will kill my kill in the name of curing. So, I don't want to take any risk.

"Don't call the doctor too. I can treat him very well. Just show the room" I said but that old man came to us and said something in their language in a Soft voice and patted my head gently like nothing happened. I swatted his hand angrily.

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