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Next day...

After lunch I straight away walked to my room..

I relaxed for sometime nd started trying the steps while putting on the tutorial.

Huff...at first it's so difficult...but later I learned few steps with atmost arduous. I was panting heavily due to the dance steps.

Ayyo kaduvale....I can't do this anymore. My body is aching like hell.

Arghhh...I glanced at the girl who was dancing with energetic in the tutorial while here I'm dancing like a withering flower. I feel like I'm not dancing instead I am searching for keys in the room.


Three days passed..

I had learned to dance for that song.

Don't ask me how...because i was dancing 24/7. My body was paining like hell..


I even danced infront of my friends who pointed out my mistakes but didn't laugh at me like I thought.

I'm glad that they had pointed out my mistakes in my dance.

At first I felt shy to dance infront of them but later they all encouraged me to do. So that, in that way my shyness will be vanished.

At present...

I was going to college alone because today all my four roommates bunked the class. As urvi was going out with chirag sir. Deepa was going home as her mother is ill.

Nina was bunking the class to escape from ragging as their is only two days left so our seniors are ragging us from morning to evening. So, today she decided to escape from them by becoming absent.

Luckily, they are not ragging me but they gave me my share of ragging to me in the form of dance.

Pari was also going out but with whom I don't know. We didn't ask her. May be with her boyfriend I guess.

So, here I am. Walking to my block thinking how to teach dance to kids today as Aashi told me to meet her at the dancing hall where the kids are waiting for me along with her. So, that we can do practice.

As I was walking,  I heard bad comments on me. I slightly saw them from the corner of my eyes. They are four guys who were looking creepily at me nd speaking badly about my body in a lustful manner.

I got afraid. My heart started beating rapidly.

"Hey little sexy"

"come to me nd lit my cigarette"

"we are your seniors...so come to us or else you have to bear sever consequences" one of them yelled.

I was sweating furiously when I heard their words. I was so terrified.

I was going fastly without stopping in middle to my block. I didn't saw students in the way as I took a short cut to my block because I was late.

They were coming behind me calling me with disgusting names. I am so scared nd was walking fastly without looking at the ground suddenly i stepped on a stone which made me stumbled nd fell on the ground.

I was dreading with fear when I heard their creepy laugh's at me. I was trying to get up but that jerk's surrounded me nd one guy was about to touch me...I closed my eyes tightly thinking my life will be ruin.

I waited but I didn't felt any disgusting touch on me...I slowly opened my eyes only to see wolfy who was swirling  in anger. His jaws are clenching & uncleanching with anger. His hand was holding that jerk hand nd twisted it.

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