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Hasna pov:



"umm"I hummed in my sleep.

"wake up...or else you will be late" I heard nina voice.

I groggily woke up by rubbing my eyes only to see a lost soul.

Ayo kadavule...what happened to her?

"Nina, what happened to you? Why are you looking like an Alien" I asked her worriedly by looking at her face.

"Nd why do you have dark circles around your eyes...didn't you slept last night"I further added.

"I slept...don't worry about me. Go & get ready or else you will be late" she said lowly.

"what does it mean..are you not coming to college" Inquired her.

"No..Hasna I wanted to be alone for sometime" she replied with a sad face.

"ok" I said with concern by remembering the last night events.

I woke up the other two logs and left to washroom. I got ready in half an hour...mean while urvi & deepa are getting ready.

"Nina..at least brush your teeth..so that you could have your breakfast with us" I said patting on her arm.

"I'm not feeling hungry smiley" she replied while laying on her bed.

I shook my head and left the room to hostel mess and started filling the plate with idly & chutney and walked back to room.

"Nina" I called her.

"what hasna!! can't you leave me alone for sometime" she shouted at me with an irritated look.

I felt sad when I heard her words. Am i too clingy to her but I just wanted her to have her breakfast...because she is my friend I can't leave her in pain na.

Did I do anything wrong?

Gloomly, I placed the plate on the table, without saying anything I left the room by taking my backpack without even looking back for once and left to college. As i didn't felt like having my breakfast as my best friend had already filled my stomach with her hurtful words.

I was walking to my class by mentally praying to god to save me from seniors. God heard my prayers as I entered into my class safely.

I sat on my bench wandering did i do anything wrong?

Is caring for a friend is wrong?

May be she yelled in pain as she is already hurt by cabir anna who unknowingly hurted her recovering heart.

I settled in my seat nd classes started soon....

The day ended with my routine.


After Three days...

As Usual I got ready to college and left to college alone with fear of seniors. Yes, you people heard right. Urvi & deepa had planned to bunk the class nd as of Nina she was still mourning. so i'm going alone.

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